'Snow Storm' rose Description
Photo courtesy of richard
White, near white or white blend Polyantha. Registration name: Snow StormExhibition name: Snow Storm
White blend or white. Moderate, musk, tea rose fragrance. Average diameter 1.25". Small, double (17-25 petals), in large clusters bloom form. Moderate, blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Bushy. Semi-glossy, medium green foliage.
Can be used for container rose or landscape. Hardy. vigorous. Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Breeder think possible self pollination...resembles the seed parent but remontant and petals have no trace of yellow. The outer surfaces of the petals are pink when at the unopened bud stage. The plant has few prickles. Available from Gawler Paradise Nursery, Tasmania