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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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A Peony Manual, 2nd ed.
(1907)  Page(s) 25.  
Regarding a list of twenty-four varieties of peonies which we consider best for cut flower purposes, we are pleased to name you the following list: Achillea, blush white, early; Alba Sulphurea, white, late; Alexander Dumas, pink and salmon; Beaute Francaise, flesh pink; Charles Verdier, lilaceous pink; Couronne d'Or, white; Delachei, purple crimson; Duke of Wellington, sulphur white; Duchesse de Nemours (Calot), white; Duchesse de Nemours (Guerin), pink, early; Festiva, white, early; Festiva Maxima, white, early; Humei Carnea, pink, late; Louis Van Houtte, crimson, late; Mme. Breon, rosy flesh white, early; Mme. Forel, pink, late; Nec Plus Ultra, pink; Mme. Coste, tender rose and white; Queen Victoria, flesh white; Jennie Lind, pink, early; Lady Bramwell, pink; Officinalis Rubra fl. pl., crimson, earliest; Officinalis Rosea Superba, rose pink, early; Rubra Triumphans, crimson, early.
Cottage Gardens Co.
(1907)  Page(s) 36.  
Beauty Francaise. Guerin, 1850. Delicate fesh pink, spotted with purplish white and carmine.
(1907)  Page(s) 10.  
Beauty's Mask took the longest time to develop of any of my raising, while Welcome Guest was the first to win recognition.
(1907)  Page(s) 36.  
Belle Chatelaine. Guerin, 1861. Large bloom, soft pink with sulphur reflex; center carmine.
(1907)  Page(s) 26.  
Here is my list of the best 24 varieties of peonies for cut flowers: Baroness Schroeder, Festiva Maxima, Golden Harvest, Madam de Verneville, Duke of Dorchester, Belle de Nancy, Mt. Blanc, Couronne d'Or, Pottsii Alba, Livingstone, M. Geissler, Madame Emil Lemoine, Floral Treasure, Richardson's Grandiflora, Richardson's Rubra Superba, La Tulipe, Marie Crousse, Modeste Guerin, Marie Lemoine, Mons. Dupont, Prince Imperial, Sunbeam, Louis Van Houtte, L'Esperence.
C. S. Harrison.
(1907)  Page(s) 25.  
I might have mentioned some of Terry's, which are of especial merit on account of robustness, hardiness and beauty. His Etta, Victor, Morning Star, Prince of Wales, Bell Hough, Sada Evans and Cynthia stand well at the head. ...C.S. Harrison
(1907)  Page(s) 36.  
Bell Hough. Terry, 1900. Large, light purplish crimson; very robust plant and fine fiower. Late.
(1907)  Page(s) 36.  
Bertha. Terry, 1898. Bright crimson, large, full double; late. Very satisfactory.
(1907)  Page(s) 36.  
Bicolor. Lemon, 1835. Clear flesh color, yellow center, purple anthers.

Bicolor. Guerin, 1840. Clear flesh color, yellow center, stamens bordered purple, white tuft. Vigorous plant; fine flower. Fine in the west. Very satisfactory.

(1907)  Page(s) 11.  
There will occasionally be one of Japanese form, one of those strange flowers blazing like a mid-day sun among the green foliage, waiting for us to do it homage. Two of these appeared in my this year's harvest of bloom, Flashlight and Bobbie Bee....Geo. Hollis...
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