Member Ratings of Nurseries
Knowledge -
Rose, peony and clematis (retail) Nursery. 875 plants listed. 11 photos.
9 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (13 votes).
Rose, peony and clematis (retail and wholesale) Nursery. 776 plants listed.
7 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (3 votes).
Rose, peony and clematis (retail and mail order). 191 plants listed. 6 photos. USDA zone 3b.
9 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (3 votes).
Rose, peony and clematis (closed, reference only) Nursery. 260 plants listed.
10 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (3 votes).
Rose and peony (retail and mail order) Nursery. 68 plants listed.
2 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Rose and peony (retail, wholesale and mail order) Nursery.
6 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Rose, peony and clematis (retail and no-mail-order) Nursery. 184 plants listed. 11 photos. USDA zone 5b.
8 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Rose and peony (retail and mail order) Nursery. 142 plants listed. 1 photo.
3 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Peony (retail and wholesale) Nursery. 349 plants listed. 13 photos.
7 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Rose and peony (retail and mail order) Nursery. 108 plants listed. 7 photos.
3 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Rose and peony (retail) Nursery. 118 plants listed.
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (2 votes).
Peony. 204 plants listed.
4 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose and peony. 231 plants listed. 4 photos. USDA zone 7b.
3 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose and peony (closed, reference only) Nursery. 87 plants listed. 68 photos.
11 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose and peony (retail) Nursery. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose, peony and clematis (retail and mail order) Nursery. 185 plants listed. 4 photos. USDA zone 5a.
3 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose and peony (retail) Nursery. 51 plants listed. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose and peony (closed, reference only) Nursery. 65 plants listed. 4 photos. USDA zone 5a.
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose and peony (wholesale) Nursery. 41 plants listed.
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden. 571 plants listed.
21 favorite votes. Average rating:
Knowledge: EXCELLENT (1 vote).
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