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Member Peony Ratings
Bloom form 
C,F,G,N,O,P,R,VKarl Rosenfield

Hybrid lactiflora.  Crimson.  None / no fragrance.  Large, full, cupped bloom form.  Moderate, Early-to-mid.  USDA zone 2a and warmer.  Height of 30" to 3' (75 to 90 cm).   John F. Rosenfield or Rosefield (1908).

31 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD.   Bloom form: GOOD (1 vote).


Hybrid lactiflora.  Light green, white streaks, light pink edges.  Moderate fragrance.  Small, single bloom form.  Early.  USDA zone 2a and warmer.  Height of up to 28" (up to 70 cm).   William Henry Krekler (1995).

10 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT-.   Bloom form: GOOD (1 vote).

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