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Parade Roses
Parade Roses are miniature potted roses meant to be grown indoors. They are hardy and will do well out in the garden. They are fragrant.

[From Botanica's Roses, p. 207:] Poulsen's Nurseries of Denmark have developed a series of about twelve Miniature Roses with 'Parade' in their names. They have called them 'Rosa Nova' to distinguish them from similar roses from other breeders, just as Meilland's of France have called their Miniatures 'Meillandina' or 'Sunblaze'. The 'Rosa Nova' series are all very small, bushy growers that are suited to pot culture.

[Ibid, p. 493:] The Parade series consists of over a dozen varieties that Poulsen has called the Rosa Nova series, all excellent pot plants with good continuity of bloom.

TIP: To generate a list of Parade Roses, click CUSTOM SEARCH and type the word "parade" in the NAME field.

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