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'Rosa luciae var. wichuraiana Koidz.' rose References
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 34-35.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa wichuraiana Crépin. A creeping rose, sending out long, floppy branches to 3 m or more, smooth green and with curved prickles. Leaflets 5-9, shining green, broadly ovate to almost round, up to 2.5 cm long, glabrous except for the midrib beneath. Stipules ciliate. Flowers 2.5-4 cm across, in loose corymbs, opening in succession; pedicels glabrous. Hips globose, orange red. Native of Japan, Korea and China, mainly on the coast, where it grows on dunes and rocks, the long shoots creeping down the beach, flowering from June to July. In cultivation this species flowers as late as August, and is useful, though not showy, for growing on a steep bank.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 36.  
Rosa Wichuraiana Corymbs of fragrant, pinkish-white, single flowers on a dense continuation of long, slender shoots. It forms a good, prostrate, groundcover plant. Semi-evergreen. 1891. G. W.  Shade tolerant. (S) 4 x 10’.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 94.  
It must be disturbing for the reader to learn that varieties were formerly ascribed to R. wichuraiana, come, in part, from another similar species, R. luciae. G. S. Thomas described this in detail in 1965, but apparently he has been ignored, so this position must now be explained....
Rosa wichuraiana Crépin (1886) = R. luciae wichuraiana Koidz. (1913). Discovered 1861 by Dr. Max Wichura; exported from Japan in 1817 [?]. Prostrate growth; evergreen, leaves about 7.6 cm/3 in. long, rounded or ovoid and robust, terminal leaves similar in size; flowers about 3.8 cm/1.5 in. across, June-July. Indigenous to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Eastern China. Very hardy...
If the two species are compared, the correct botanical description of R. luciae must be given first priority. Yet this has not been the case even though the Americans regard the two species as one....

1861 Dr. Max Ernst Wichura sent R. wichuraiana from Japan to Germany, but the plants died.
1880 He sent a second batch of plants to the Botanic Gardens in Munich and Brussels; Crépin saw them in Brussels and named them after Dr. Wichura.
1883 Horvath began to cross them, using 'Cramoisi Supérieur' and 'Pâquerette' as pollen parents, and produced four large-flowered, winter hardy, climbing roses which were put on the market in 1898 and 1899 by Pitcher & Mandar of south Orange, N. J. under the names of 'Pink Roamer', South Orange Perfection', 'Manda's Triumph' and 'Universal Favorite'. In addition, using 'Maréchal Niel', he obtained 'Evergreen Gem'.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 287.  Includes photo(s).
R. wichuraiana Crép. Climbing, half-evergreen shrub, stems 2.5-6 m./8.3-20 ft. long, prostrate or trailing, green, with stout, hooked prickles; leaflets 7-9, broadly ovate-roundish, dark green above, paler beneath, very glossy on both sides; flowers in small, pyramidal corymbs, white, 4-5 cm./1.6-2 in. across, scented, June-July; sepals much shorter than petals, bald or slightly glandular like the pedicels; fruit ovoid, dark red, 15 mm./0.6 in. long. 2n=14. BM 7321; WR 19; 169 (as R. tacquetii); 170 (as R. mokanensis); BC 3440. (=R. luciae var. wichuraiana Koidz.; R. tacquetii Lév.; R. mokanensis Lév.). Japan, Korea, E. China. 1891...
Prostrate growth in its native habitat, branches take root easily, so very useful for further breeding of ground-covering roses. Has been used to produce new climbing roses since 1843; its descendants have mostly small, very glossy, dark green leaflets; the very weak stems and branches need to be tied up....In the United States this rose is often called the 'Memorial Rose', as it is frequently planted in cemeteries.
Magazine  (May 1966)  Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 20.  
Tableau Récapitulatif des différents Porte-Greffes
Rosa wichuraiana; Origine: Chine, Japon; Multiplication: Semis, bouture; Greffage: Œil Ecusson; Terrain: pH moyen; Température: Craint les froids excessifs; Humidité: Moyen; Vigueur: moyenne; Longevité: Moyenne; Resistance aux maladies: Moyenne; Formes améliorées: - ; Races ou formes préferentielles: Thé et hybrides de thé; Lieu d'utilisation: - 

[see 'Manetti' for photo of whole table]
Book  (1965)  Page(s) 540.  
4. Rosa wichuraiana Crép. R. luciae sensu auct. Japon., pro parte; R. tsusimensis Nakai; R. luciae var. yokoscensis Fr. & Sav.; R. yokoscensis (Fr. & Sav.) Koidz.; R. ampullicarpa Koidz.; R. wichuraiana var. ampullicarpa (Koidz.) Honda - Teri-ha-no-ibara. Shrub with elongate, rather stout, prostrate, prickly branches; stipules green, toothed, loosely glandular-pilose, the free portion broadly lanceolate, acuminate; leaflets 5-9, coriaceous, nearly equal, obovate-orbicular, elliptic or broadly ovate, 1-2 cm. long, 8-15 mm. wide, obtuse or sometimes subacute, lustrous above, paler beneath, glabrous on both sides; inflorescence a short, glabrous, few- to many-flowered panicle; flowers white, about 3 cm. across. - May-June. Thickets in lowlands and low mountains, especially abundant near seashores; Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. - Ryukyus, Formosa, Korea, and China.
Website/Catalog  (1948)  Page(s) 50.  
wichuriana. 2 ft. Sandy to silty clay loam, moist, well drained, pH 6.0-7.0, sun or part shade.
Book  (Jul 1938)  Page(s) 91.  
R. Wichuraiana, Wichurian Rose, Memorial Rose of Japan. - Tender trailer or climber. The parent of a number of climbing roses which are too tender for Alberta.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 77-79.  
...[Barbiers'] fame rests mainly on large-flowering hardy climbers. Albéric Barbier, Albertine, François Juranville, Jacotte, Leontine Gervais, Primrose (in France, Primevère). I am told that the Barbiers took their inspiration from a trip made by one of them to America in 1900 when he visited M. H. Horvath in Ohio, reputed to be one of the first to hybridize the Chinese creeping species, R. wichuraiana. Anyone familiar with hardy climbers mayhave noticed the difference between the above-named Barbier varieties and climbers from other sources. The Barbier strain has neavy pithy canes, wood purplish red, and foliage highly varnished. But it is not altogether as hardy as many others. In 1925 I inquired from the Barbiers about hardiness and one of the brothers confided that the type of Wichuraiana they were using was its upright ally, R. luciae. I went to the Vilmorin arboretum near Paris, where the largest collection of rose species is to be found in France. Jacques de Vilmorin showed me both R. luciae and R. wichuraiana and told me the following story, which was later confirmed by the deceased E. H. Wilson: When Dr Wichura came back from Japan and reported to James Veitch, of England, the curious creeping rose he had seen there, Veitch sent a mission to bring that rose to England. He named it R. wichuraiana in honor of its discoverer. Several years later Dr Wichura, visiting Veitch's nursery, was shown "his rose" but at once declared that it was not the rose he had seen.
Veitch sent a second mission to Japan, which located the true Wichura type as we know it. In the meantime, the first species had become known as R. wichuraiana. It was then renamed "R. wichuraiana, variety Luciae" because of the brilliant scarlet color of the foliage flaming in the autumn light (in Latin, "lux"). In course of time the word "wichuraiana" was dropped in its connection and the species is now plain R. luciae. I have that species in my collection, and whoever sees it recognizes in it at once the characters of Barbiers' strain. But it is not quite as hardy as the creeping form of R. wichuraiana....
R. wichuraiana itself is not extremely hardy but has acquired that reputation because, growing close to the ground, it is naturally covered in winter by leaves and snow. When trained upright, it will freeze at a temperature above zero. It is a mistake to hybridize for hardiness on Wichuraiana species.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 80.  
Wichuraiana Crép. (Synst. Asiatic) (bad pollen) [ploidy] 14
Wichuraiana Koidz. (synonym of Wichuraiana Crép. in the connection: Luciae var. Wichuraiana Koidz.)
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