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'Rosa wichurana Crépin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 62-738
most recent 4 APR 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 MAR 12 by CybeRose
Garden and Forest 4: 570 (1891)
THE handsome Rose which is figured on page 569 was sent to the Arboretum by Mr. Louis Spath, of Berlin, in 1888 as Rosa bracteata, but when it flowered two years later it was found to be the Rosa Wichuraiana of Crepin,* a native of Japan, and previously confounded with Rosa Luciae of that country, and still earlier with Rosa sempervirens.

Rosa Wichuraiana is remarkable in producing slender prostrate stems, which grow ten to fifteen feet long in a single season, and cover the ground as with a dense mat; they are free of prickles and produce short, stout, straight or slightly recurved spines, and in moist ground develop rootlets freely. The leaves are three to nine-foliolate, with obovate or nearly orbicular blunt leaflets, which are sharply and coarsely serrate, glabrous, very dark green and lustrous, and from a third to two-thirds of an inch long. The stipules are adnate, usually conspicuously toothed, and vary from a third to half an inch in length. The flowers are produced here in great profusion from about the 8th to the end of the month of July, and during the remainder of the season appear irregularly and less abundantly; they are pure white, an inch and a half to two inches across, very fragrant, and are borne in short, broad, pyramidal, terminal, few or many-flowered clusters. The primary bracts are lanceolate, foliaceous, dentate and persistent. The pedicels are stout, an inch long, slightly glandular-hispid, and furnished with lanceolate, denticulate, rather persistent, bractlets. The flower-buds are a third of an inch long, ovoid and abruptly contracted into short points. The sepals are oval, contracted at the apex into rather rigid points, coated with pale pubescence on the inner surface and reflexed at maturity. The petals are broadly obovate, slightly emarginate at the apex, and sometimes rather remotely dentate toward the base. The stamens are bright golden-yellow and very conspicuous; and the column of styles is elongated, rather thick, and pubescent. The fruit is oval or obovate, dull red, and from a third to half an inch long. It matures here late in the season, producing good seed every year.

Rosa Wichuraiana has been used very largely during the last two years by the Park Department of the city of Boston, especially in Franklin Park, for covering rocky slopes, embankments and such spots as it was desirable to clothe quickly with verdure. It appears to be admirably suited for such purposes, and as it grows more rapidly than almost any other vine which has been tried in similar situations, soon making a dense mat over the ground, it seems destined to become a popular plant. Its remarkable habit, its hardiness, the brilliancy of its lustrous foliage, and the beauty of its flowers, which appear when most shrubs are out of bloom, certainly recommend it to the attention of the lovers of hardy plants. C. S. S.

*Bull. Bot. Soc. Roy. Belg., xxv., pt. li, 189; J. G. Jack, Garden and Forest, iv., 44.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 16 MAR 12 by Patricia Routley
Detailed descriptions like this are so good to have. Thank you for your time in sharing, CybeRose.
"free of prickles, but has spines" has me puzzled though.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 16 MAR 12 by CybeRose
Maybe the author meant that the stems were free of bristles ... that's my best guess.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 16 MAR 12 by Patricia Routley
Yes. Good guess. Thank you Karl
Reply #4 of 5 posted 17 MAR 12 by Jay-Jay
But the leaves have mean hooked little prickles!
Reply #5 of 5 posted 4 APR 12 by Chris
i wonder if it's still in franklin park.
there is an unidentified white rose in Harkness State Park (mansion) gardens, there at least since 1940,
now i am wondering..............chris
Discussion id : 62-741
most recent 16 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 MAR 12 by CybeRose
Enumeratio plantarum in Japonia (1879)
Franchet, Savatier
(548). Multiflora. — Adde synon. : R. Wichurae K. Koch Wochen. 1869, n. 26 (non R. Wichuraiana Crep. ad speciem sequentem pertinens);

The authors identify Wichurae K. Koch as a synonym for Multiflora; they regarded Wichuraiana Crep. as a synonym for Luciae.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 MAR 12 by jedmar
Thank you, this is confirmed by other references, too. We will change the synonym.
Discussion id : 45-616
most recent 7 JUN 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 10 by Paul G. Olsen
Rosa wichurana is not located in the St. Albert Botanic Park rose garden. It may have been originally but not anymore.

It is located in the Montreal Botanical Gardens rose garden though.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 JUN 10 by jedmar
Thank you!
Discussion id : 27-813
most recent 27 JUN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JUN 08 by Unregistered Guest
Rosa wichurana or R. wichuraiana was named in honor of Max Wichura, not Wichur.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 JUN 08 by jedmar
Corrected. Thank you.
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