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'Brother Cadfael' rose Description
'Brother Cadfael' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Elizabeth_Roses
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
93 favorite votes.  
Average rating: GOOD+.  
Medium pink Shrub.
Registration name: AUSglobe
Exhibition name: Brother Cadfael
Bred by David C. H. Austin (1926-2018) (United Kingdom, 1990).
Shrub.   (Series: English Rose Collection)  
Pink.  Strong, old rose fragrance.  45 petals.  Average diameter 5".  Large, very full (41+ petals), cupped, reflexed, ruffled bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Bushy, few or no prickles/thorns.  Dark green foliage.  

Height: 42" to 8' (105 to 245cm).  Width: 3' to 5' (90 to 150cm).
USDA zone 5b through 10b.  Can be used for cut flower or garden.  Hardy.  Disease susceptibility: susceptible to Mildew.  Remove spent blooms to encourage re-bloom.  
United States - Patent No: PP 8,681  on  12 Apr 1994   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application  on  30 Sep 1992
The Plant Science Dept. of the Nova Scotia Agriculture College evaluated 58 English Roses to assess their hardiness and disease-resistance. Brother Cadfael was found to be winter hardy.
In September 1998, the Montreal Botanical Garden (Le Jardin Botanique de Montreal) carried out a survey of its roses' resistance to black spot, powdery mildew and rust. This is one of the outstanding varieties which showed a 0% to 5% infection rate. The data was taken on well-established roses.