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The Complete Rosarian
p71 One of these which had double white flowers he sent out in December 1875 under the name of ‘Paquerette’. A second, much like the first but pink in colour, was marketed in November 1880 as ‘Mignonette’.

p75 ….one should bear in mind that at this time there were only two polyanthas, ‘Paquerette’ and ‘Mignonette’ in existence. But as a matter of fact, these two roses show little sign of multiflora influence anywhere; in everything but bloom they closely resemble the pink china, but the flowers which are more double but much smaller, come in widely-spaced clusters. There is very little difference between them.
(1971)  Page(s) 138.  
....a variety known as 'Professeur Emile Perrot', a Damask similar to but not identical with the Bulgarian variety, was introduced from Persia by its namesake, but had no material advantage to offer.
p109. 'Baby Chateau'.... was a normal crimson in colour, and was descended from the so-called "Hybrid Musk" 'Robin Hood', which was raised in 1927 by Pemberton from an unnamed "Hybrid Musk" seedling pollinated by the polyantha 'Miss Edith Cavell'

p118. In 1927 Pemberton tried a change, by crossing one of his unnamed seedlings with the polyantha pompon 'Miss Edith Cavell', to yield 'Robin Hood'. The seedling's own parentage is not recorded; all we know of it is that it bore the code number 172/11; but it is a fair guess that it too, was derived from 'Trier' and that Pemberton used it because it had the rare property of being fertile, even though he didn't think it good enough to put on the market. As was only to be expected, 'Robin Hood' was indistinguishable from a tall floribunda.

p121. [diagram of lines of descent]
(1971)  Page(s) 72.  
No trace of this sported form [of R. chinensis spontanea] can be found at the present day, but in Miss Lowe’s Variety, which apparently came into existence as a sport from a variety of the crimson China, we have something which must be very similar, if not identical. The flowers of ‘Miss Lowe’s Variety’ have the remarkable property of reversing the usual fading habit of the rose; they open pink and deepen to crimson as they age.
(1971)  Page(s) 127.  
[In a discussion of 'Nevada'] It has been suggested that instead of the normal R. moyesii, Dot may have used its tetraploid variety, R. moyesii fargesii; but while this would account for [Nevada's] tetraploid character, it still cannot account for its remontance.
(1971)  Page(s) 118.  
In 1896 when ramblers were fashionable, Schmitt of Lyons raised one by crossing R. multiflora with the Noisette 'Reve d'Or', and called it 'Aglaia'. A few years later Lambert of Trier crossed this rose with the Hybrid Perpetual 'Mrs. Sharman Crawford' - but the evidence of the chromosomes shows that the cross did not "take", and the resulting seedling, 'Trier' was evidently a self-seedling from 'Aglaia'. Just as the once-flowering rambler 'Champney's Pink Cluster' when selfed produced the perpetual semi-climbing Noisette Rose, so 'Aglaia' yielded a perpetual semi-climber. 'Trier' was semi-double, with pale yellow flowers flushed with pink, and grew to a maximum height of about six feet.
(1971)  Page(s) 80.  
A few so-called Bourbons have appeared in the present century, but their authenticity is generally dubious. Variegata di Bologna occurred in 1909 and is characterised by white blooms irregularly striped with purple. Its parentage has not been revealed, but it occasionally reverts to an all purple flower which has not been identified, but a Bourbon in this colour named 'Victor Emmanuel' was long popular in Italy.
(1971)  Page(s) 80.  
A few so-called Bourbons have appeared in the present century, but their authenticity is generally dubious. 'Variegata di Bologna' occurred in 1909 and is characterised by white blooms irregularly striped with purple. Its parentage has not been revealed, but it occasionally reverts to an all purple flower which has not been identified, but a Bourbon in this colour named Victor Emmanuel was long popular in Italy.
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