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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Roses of America
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 53.  Includes photo(s).
(before 1905; R. roxburghii x R. rugosa... light pink... yellow leaves in autumn
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 48, 52.  Includes photo(s).
p. 48: [Photo] Madame Charles Frederic Worth Schwartz 1889. Semidouble, rosy carmine flowers... Outstanding yellow leaves in fall...
p. 52: another very early hybrid rugosa, and one that is no longer available in commerce, has rosy carmine flowers that usually open in late spring and continue on through the fall...
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 54, 57.  Includes photo(s).
p. 54: [Photo] Dot, 1927; 'La Giralda' x R. moyesii... Masses of single white flowers
p. 57: plum-colored canes... masses of large, white single flowers on short stems... Once established in the garden, it sometimes has repeat blooms
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 20-21, 139.  
Pages 20-21: Congress passed the Plant Patent act, providing much-needed protection for hybridizers. Up until that time, any plant that went on the market became common property, and the breeder lost all rights to it. The Plant Patent Act granted to anyone who discovered or hybridized a new plant the exclusive right to determine for seventeen years who would propagate and sell it. The first plant in the world to be patented under this law was an American climbing rose, 'New Dawn', introduced by Henry Dreer in 1930.
Page 139: New Dawn introduced by Dreer, 1930... Blush-colored flowers borne singly or in clusters...
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 100.  Includes photo(s).
Oklahoma Description... the most famous of the so-called black roses...
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 88.  
R. foetida persiana, 'Persian Yellow', which is native to western Asia, is very much like R. foetida except that it is lower growing, later blooming, and not as vigorous, and its flowers are multipetaled...
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 31.  Includes photo(s).
Peter Malins, Rosarian Peter Malins was in charge of the Cranford Rose Garden for nearly 30 years, until 1983.
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 142.  
Piñata Clusters of four to five urn-shaped buds open to multi-colored yellow-blend flowers... Flowers turn from yellow to vivid scarlet as they age... Blooms best in cool weather; and prefers partial shade. Susceptible to frost dieback.
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 117.  
Poulsen introduced what is considered the first floribunda, 'Rödhätte', in 1912, and his sone Dines and Svend continued his work with this type of rose... 'Rödhätte', whose name means 'Red Riding Hood', is a cross between a red polyantha and a red hybrid tea; it was originally sold as a polyantha or a hybrid polyantha. It is no longer available commercially.
(Aug 1990)  Page(s) 51.  
One of the later-blooming species roses... lightly fragrant pink flowers... easily identified by its large, hooked prickles...
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