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Yolande d'Aragon rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Yolande d'Aragon - one of my favourites.
Lavender Pinocchio rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Lavender Pinocchio - shows cafe au latte changing to lavender
Dupontii rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Rosa dupontii. Clusters of blooms in spring. Large arching shrub or small climber.
Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
Fragrant Cloud accompanied by Mister Lincoln, Shady Lady, Evelyn Fison (showing orange because of sun glare) Papa Meilland with Lorraine Lee in far background.
Borderer rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Borderer. Low spreading growth. Our climate is slightly different to Debra's area. We have dry summers and a range of temperatures between 20 and 40 degrees celsius.
3 favorite votes.  
Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
Frau Karl Druschki with Coppelia alongside
1 favorite vote.  
Anna Pavlova rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Anna Pavlova. Grows very tall in Australia - zone 9-10
Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
Wife of Bath
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