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Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
White Wings - cluster lower left. Lilac Charm right of centre. Backdrop to White Wings is Ferdy just beginning to flower. Centre rear is Archiduc Joseph and beyond that slightly left is Elmshorn. Some Mme Hardy just beginning to bloom alongside the Archiduc.
James Mitchell rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
James Mitchell - bloom close up
Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
Vol de Nuit the main cluster; deep pink to the right of cluster is Baronne E. de Rothschild
Châpeau de Napoléon rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Chapeau de Napoleon
3 favorite votes.  
Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
Madam President - main clusters. Top left white - Margaret Merril; Lower right red rear - Old Master. Some Escapade behind main cluster.
Café rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Yvonne
Yvonne's Rose Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Yvonne
Gazebo & surrounding roses in spring Foreground left - Ferdy; Climbing Pinkie & Reve d'Or on gazebo, Elmshorn centre rightred; low foreground right Mme Hardy;centre right - Handel. White centre right - Blanc Double de Coubert
comment / question photo
Comment / Question photo courtesy of Yvonne
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