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Coquette des Blanches rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
From Dingee & Conard 1889 catalog, p. 34. I took the liberty of changing the background color from an aggressive mustard yellow to off-white.
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Port Sunlight rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
10/09/24 France
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American Beauty rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
From Conard & Jones catalog Spring 1900, p. 84.
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Pink Voluptia rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
10/09/24 France
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Pierre Arditi rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
10/09/24 France
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Orfeo rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Jax
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Escimo rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
10/09/24 France
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Antoine Ducher rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
Probably plate 361 from Floral Magazine, vol. 6, 1867, missing from all copies I have been able to track down; but I find this image floating around the Net.
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