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Variegata di Bologna rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Maddalena Piccinini
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2024
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Calico rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harem On The Hill
Beautiful and interesting to the end of the bloom.
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Variegata di Bologna rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Maddalena Piccinini
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, may 2024
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Polynesian Sunset rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harem On The Hill
Very electric color!
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Karl Herbst rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harem On The Hill
Nearly missed this bloom.
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Anna de Diesbach rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
From Schultheis Bros. catalog of 1885, p. 34.
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Calico rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Harem On The Hill
Beautiful and interesting to the end of the bloom.
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Alfred Colomb rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
From Schultheis Bros. catalog of 1885, p. 33.
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