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Miss Congeniality rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Bug_girl
September 8, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
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Eugène de Beauharnais rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Bug_girl
Maiden Bloom, September 8, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
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La France rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Bug_girl
September 8, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
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Lady of the House rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Estrilda
First spring flush of blooms
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Lady of Shalott rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Bug_girl
September 8, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
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American Beauty rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
Vintage postcard photo of 'American Beauty'.
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Miss Congeniality rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Bug_girl
September 8, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
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Acropolis ® rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kathy Strong
August 9, 2024 in San Diego, California. We have had a week of very high heat and humidity. 108 in the shade yesterday. Most roses here fried. Am posting this group to show the ones that seemed to enjoy the hot weather.
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