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Captivating rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SoCal Coastal Rosarian
Photo taken on 8-24-2024 in Dana Point, CA (Zone 10B). Eight months have passed since my last photo was posted. Here in SoCal we had a rather cool wet Spring. Several cultivars were afflicted by rust and blackspot, yes good old blackspot which I rarely see. Captivating sailed through without a speck of the common rose fungi. My plant in a 7 gallon container now needs daily or twice daily watering to stay alive. For me Captivating continues to be the best rose ever.
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Rigo Fortuna rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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Rallye des Gazelles rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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Theo Clevers ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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Port Sunlight rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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Elaine Paige™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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Souvenir de la Malmaison, Cl. rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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Spirit of Freedom rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Huyustus
14/09/24 France
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