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'MACauck' rose References
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 201.  Includes photo(s).
Olympiad Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Red Planet' x 'Pharaoh'. (aka MACauck) New Zealand 1984. Description and cultivation. Flowers: deep red... makes a good exhibition rose...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 307.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 170.  Includes photo(s).
A Hybrid Tea named for the Los Angeles Olympic Games. McGredy (New Zealand) 1984. ('Red Planet' x 'Pharoah')
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 396.  Includes photo(s).
Olympiad (Macauck) Hybrid Tea. McGredy (New Zealand) 1984... Bright red...
Book  (Oct 1991)  Page(s) 85.  Includes photo(s).
Olympiad Description... The 10-11.5 cm (4-4 1/2 in), double flowers are medium red with a velvety appearance...
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 27.  
'Olympiad'. Another of Sam's successes was a red rose named in honour of the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles..... Mr. Sam McGredy, who originally came from Northern ireland, now living in Auckland, produced the rose. In February, 1989, he commented that it is bred from 'Planet' and 'Pharoah' and is the top rated red rose in the USA at the present time. 'Olympiad Rose' was the first red rose to win an All American Award for 17 years. It grows well in New Zealand, but is subject to black spot and downy mildew.
Book  (1989)  
p75. Conrad Harneiss, Franklin Rose Society.
Those to be turfed out include 'Olympiad' and..... because of the continual problem of die-back and virus.

p112. Don Sheppard. Final Analysis 1988-89.
'Olympiad'. MACauck: McGredy 1984 ('Red Planet' x 'Pharoah'); red; 81 reports; 163 bushes; 1-6 years; 1.3m; 7.2 rating. This rose would have scored over 8.0, but for 12 or so reporters who had very poor bushes that would not grow at all and only a few, miserable, split blooms resulted. Whose fault that was I cannot tell, but it is a pity, as from Kaitaia to Southland this rose gives much pleasure and colour. It has perfume, but not as strong as many would wish for. Latest reports all remark on the thick petal texture, the rich non-fading red - even if edges do burn under very hot sun. The blooms last well, repeat is generally good, the bush mainly grows well, easily and not too tall and health is excellent. So, for a good spot of brilliant red in your garden, this rose will amply fulfil expectations. Some reporters say it can give good exhibition blooms for the show bench.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 20.  
Editor [E. B. Pietsch],  Review of Varieties Introduced into Australia in 1984. 
Olympiad  (McGredy) 5 reports. Garden display rating 8.2, exhibition rating 7.6. Bright red colour. Medium plant habit with good foliage. Disease resistant. Little perfume. Reports on this rose range from good to excellent.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 96.  
Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1987-88 Season
'Olympiad'. MACauck; McGredy, 1984; red; 14 reports; 30 bushes; 1-5 years; 1.5m. 7.1 rating. Reports from Kaitaia to Otago and the West Coast, where it is considered a great red, standing rain and wind well and it is growing vigorously. The colour does not fade and Waikato says it fairly "hums" at you. The bush grows well, is generally very healthy and gives a tremendous amount of flowers. However, one or two growers are still worried about poor bushes. An excellent rose.
Book  (1987)  Page(s) 94.  
Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1986-87 Season
'Olympiad'. McGredy 1984; red; 22 reports; 31 bushes; 1-4 years; 1.5 m; 7.7 rating. The rating would have been even higher but several reporters say their first year bushes refuse to grow and are plainly sick. Others are impressed with growth, vigour and health, but you must report on what you see - not a dream! From Northland to Otago this rose pleases as a non fading, weather resistant, red rose which has good repeat. There is little else to report except that 'Olympiad is good but, evidently, some sub-standard bushes are being sold.
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