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Thomson Rose Society--inactive as of June 2010

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Rose Society  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
418 Anderson Ave.
Thomson, Georgia 30824-1603
United States
(706) 595-4215  [Information]
We invite all persons interested in roses to come and join our society. We are a group of people that enjoy growing roses and through our fellowship and meetings pass along rose horticulture and exhibiting information.

The membership dues are $15.00 annually per household. Your benefits (in addition to valuable rose information) would be an associate membership in The American Rose Society. You also will receive twelve issues or our rose publication "The Thomson Rosarian".

We invite you to be our guest anytime. To join our society just send your name and address along with a check or money order in the amount of $15.00 for your first years dues to: The Thomson Rose Society, Membership, 418 Anderson Ave., Thomson, Ga. 30824-1603

The Thomson Rose Society meets on the second Monday of the month, 7:30PM at the Thomson Decorating Center. All persons interested in roses are invited to attend.

We usually have a guest speaker for most meetings. They provide us with interesting programs concerning all aspects of rose horticulture and rose show exhibition.

The Thomson Rose Society holds an annual Rose show each Spring, on the second Saturday of May. We invite all exhibitors to come and enter your blooms. For futher information contact Vernon Johnson (706) 595-4215 or

We invite the public to come and view the beautiful exhibit and to learn more about roses from our experienced staff.
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