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'Julien Potin' rose References
Book  (1935)  
p50-5.  Frank Penn, New Zealand. Roses for Decorative Purposes.
‘Irish Elegrance’, ‘Mme. Butterfly’, ‘Lady Hillingdon’, ‘Ophelia’ …..and ‘Julien Potin’ are favourities with the ladies. All of these have comparitively small blooms, growing on long stems and offer some charming combinations of colourings.

p52-2  ibid.
‘Canary’ and ‘Julien Potin’ are beautiful yellows that do well in Auckland. Both are better coloured in autumn and winter ….

p78-1 W. L. Summers, Blackwood, SA. Roses in the Adelaide Hills.
'Mme. Pierre S. duPont’ and ‘Julien Potin’, both very good yellows, though flowers so far on the small side;
Website/Catalog  (1935)  Page(s) 38.  
'Geheimrat Duisberg'.....The colour is a suntrue, deep yellow as is found in Julien Potin 
Book  (1935)  
p38-3 Herbert Oppenheimer. I have one large mixed bed of ‘Julien Potin’, ‘McGredy’s Ivory’ and ‘Golden Dawn’. The ‘Julien Potin’ make the delicate tints of ‘McGredy’s Ivory’ look rather pale and washed out, and its tall upright growth gives ‘Golden Dawn’ the appearance of being squat and crowded. How often have I wished that they were in separate beds!

p259 [b/w photo] a First prize basket of 'Julien Potin' (H.T.)
Book  (1934)  
p52 –5 Frank Penn. Auckland, NZ. A bed of ‘Julien Potin’ made a lovely show last autumn, and is thriving well. The colour is far better in autumn than in spring and early summer. In some parts of New Zealand this variety is disappointing, but in Auckland it is a good doer and makes a fine bedder.
[110-2 W. F. Edward, Brisbane. …well known

]p118-4 ‘Julien Potin’ and ‘Margaret McGredy’ were the parents of’ Feu Pernet-Ducher’…..

p130-7 Mr. Blamire Young, Montrose, Victoria. ‘Max Krause’ is the star yellow of the garden, but when I say yellow I should add that is the yellow of ‘Rev. F. Page Roberts’, and not the yellow of ‘ Julien Potin’.
Website/Catalog  (1934)  Page(s) 87.  Includes photo(s).
Julien Potin, magnificent cutting rose. Description as in 1933 catalogue

Same photo: 1938, p. 128; 1939, p. 126; 1940, p. 112 (full size)
Book  (1934)  Includes photo(s).
p99-3 Herbert Oppenheimer. 'Julien Potin' (H.T.) Everyone who visits the Shows knows this as one of our best Exhibition Roses, both under glass and in the open garden; but it is also a good Rose for general garden cultivation. The colour of good blooms is clear golden yellow, of perfect form, but a proportion of them are a nondescript yellowish white and have poor centres. Fortunately the proportion is not an unduly large one, and as the flowers are produced freely for so full a Rose, the beauty of those that come right amply compensates us for the removal of the duds. A good cut bloom will, with care, last in water a full week. The early Autumn blooms are particularly good, but in late Autumn you must not expect too much from a variety which originates from the Sunny South. The plants are of good constitution and habit, are 2 ½ to 3 feet high, and the foliage is a good medium green, and with ordinary care not troubled by disease.

p103-3 None of the varieties mentioned in these notes are “nodders,” but 'Julien Potin' and ….sometimes produce very fine blooms on laterals which are not sturdy enough to hold them erect.

p175-1 Leonard Hollis, Lanca. …..and 'Julien Potin' among the yellows, proved their lack of constitution by succumbing to their first Lancashire Winter.

p195. [Colour Photo of one bloom in a mixed box].

p223-7 ….suitable for standards

p256-2 'Julien Potin', as we all know, excelled, proof of which was in evidence at all the Shows throughout the country, where this variety was to the fore.

p263-10 Editor. The Rose Analysis, 1933. 'Julien Potin' is placed equally by both sets of [nurserymen and Amateurs] voters, and I have often wondered where he would have been today, were it not for the Trial ground. It was there that we first saw it to perfection. Singularly the raiser, Pernet-Ducher, never liked it, and always insisted 'Ville de Paris' was far and away the better Rose.
Magazine  (Aug 1933)  Page(s) 170, 177.  
p. 170: Concours de la meilleure rose mise au Commerce depuis 1927. ....
1er Julien Potin, Pernetiana (Et. Pernet-Ducher, Jean Gaujard, succr ), 1927. — Arbuste très vigoureux à rameaux flexibles et érigés. Feuillage vert clair, réfractaire aux maladies crvptogamiques. Aiguillons rares et peu saillants. Fleur grande, très pleine, en forme de coupe allongée, superbe coloris jaune primevère, sans mélange d’autre couleur. Bouton long, porté par un pédoncule long et fort, de forme idéale, jaune de chrome citron. Variété excessivement florifère. Rose d’une rare beauté qui peut être qualifiée de «Reine des roses jaunes».

p. 177: « Julien Potin », beau jaune, qui est bon pour la fleur coupée.
Magazine  (Jan 1933)  Page(s) 5.  
Julien Potin, Pernetiana : 1927. (Et. Pernet-Ducher. J. Gaujard, succr.)
Arbuste très vigoureux à rameaux flexibles et érigés. Feuillage vert clair, réfractaire aux maladies cryptogamiques.
Aiguillons rares et peu saillants. Fleur grande, très pleine, en forme de coupe allongée, superbe coloris jaune  primevère, sans mélange d'autre couleur. Bouton long, porté par un pédoncule long et fort, de forme idéale jaune de chrome citron. Variété excessivement florifère. Rose d'une rare beauté qui peut être qualifiée de « Reines de roses jaunes ». Grande médaille d'or. Exposition internationale Paris 1927 ; Certificat mérite National Rose Society 1929 ; Médaille d'or, aux Etats-Unis ; 1er prix de la « Plus belle rose éditée en 1927 (Lyon 1933) ; Prix d'honneur, Floralies d'Angers 1927.
Book  (1933)  
p70-3 C. C. Hillary, Roses in Western Australia. ‘Julien Potin’ and ‘Mabel Morse’ are much too thin for this climate.

p121-5 Mr. S. J. Bisdee, Bagdad, Tasmania. ‘Julien Potin’ (third year) is classed as a yellow, and the first blooms it produced were a good, deep yellow, but since then it always opens cream with a yellow centre, and gets more yellow into it as the weather warms. It has good form early, but autumn blooms can only be called decorative. Its growth is fairly good, but scraggy.

p124-11 Mr. H. E. Mofflin, Darlington. ‘Julien Potin’ is quite a success with me. Its brilliant yellow colour makes it very attractive.

p128-9 Mr. H. W. Stansfeld, Camperdown, Victoria. The outstanding variety with me in the spring was ‘Julien Potin’. I have four bushes in their third season, and up to now flowers have always lacked substance and formation. This year, however, practically every bloom came very double, of ideal shape and beautiful colour.
Website/Catalog  (1933)  Page(s) 86.  
Julien Potin (Pernetiana). Belongs to the most beautiful yellow varieties of this class. The large, densely filled blooms are mostly solitary on strong stalks. The colour is bright citron (1,5 ra) without any side tones. Very excellent cutting rose ... Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.60
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