'Belgian Lace' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Cass's Garden With Roses
Light pink Shrub. Registration name: LENloroExhibition name: Belgian Lace
Light pink, ages to white . Red pip at the center. Mild fragrance. 17 to 25 petals. Average diameter 1". Small, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, flat bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer. Small buds.
Short, arching. Small, light green foliage.
Height: 31" to 47" (80 to 120cm).
USDA zone 7b and warmer. Do not prune. Prune dead wood. This rose blooms on old wood.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
This rose is a Shrub. Early characterizations of this rose as a Hybrid Musk were probably made without actually inspections of the plant. Although it has Hybrid Musk parentage, it neither looks nor grows like any Hybrid Musk. See References.
Hardiness is based on information from the Louis Lens Rose Nursery website.