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'Golden State' rose References
Book  (1942)  
p152-7  Proof of the Pudding Summary. 
Golden State No. of Years Reported 4.  Total No. of Reports 77.   For 41.  Fair 17. Against 19.  Still losing favour.

p180-2  Proof of the Pudding.
Book  (1941)  Page(s) 204.  
Proof of the Pudding. 
Book  (1941)  
p104-6  Mr. G. W. Heers.  Roses in Queensland. 
‘Eclipse’ is a promising yellow.  The colour ls clean and  true and the flower quite solid, superior to Golden State.

p112-13  Mr. Frank Mason, Feilding,  New Zealand Roses.
Golden State is a good grower, but so far has not been yellow enough to be called golden;  cream would be a better colour.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 202.  
Proof of the Pudding.
Golden State Callan N.Y. (3 pl., 1 yr.) had late potted plants which produced some fine unfading yellow flowers…..Webster (Ont. (1 pl. Can., 1 yr.), had 3-foot growth and three crops of attractive bloom which did not fade in a semi-shaded position……Thomson Pa., (2 pl., 1 yr.) considers it a good rose in the light yellow class…..Hennessey, Ore., finds the colors pale until the high-speed spring growth is over…..At Breeze Hill our plant was an average rose plant with a few nicely formed, very pale yellow blooms.  It did not seem important.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 89.  
John Poulsen, NZ.   South Island Roses.
Golden State Moderate growth, and the flowers have faded rather quickly.  Needs further testing.
Website/Catalog  (1940)  Page(s) 22.  
New Roses 1939.  Golden State (HT.  F. Meilland 1937) F. 3.  .....the growth is fairly vigorous.  E. 
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 85.  
Golden State HT. (., Meilland '37); int. U.S. C-P, '38)  Souv. de Claudius Pernet x (Charles P. Kilham x unnamed seedling). (Pat 303). Large, very dbl. cupped, buff-yellow with Mikado orange heart; long stem. Fol. leathery, glossy.  Very vig. (Color illus., facing p 120)
Magazine  (Dec 1939)  Page(s) 12.  
Je suis contraint de mentionner ici le grand succès qu'a rencontré Golden State aux Etats-Unis. Il est intéressant, en effet, de remarquer que cette rose jaune (Plus Belle Rose de France 1937 et Médaille d'Or de Bagatelle 1937) eut  encore la Médailled'Or à Portland (Oregon,U.S.A.). Elle fut, en outre,choisie par une délégation du Conseil d'Administration de l'Exposition Universelle de San-Francisco pour porter ce nom. « Golden State », évocation enchanteresse de celle merveilleuse Californie, et classée encore Rose Officielle de l'Exposition Universelle San-Francisco 1939. Un parterre de plus de 1.000 plantes s'étendait au pied de la fameuse Tour Lumineuse, point culminant de Treasure Island.
Magazine  (Apr 1939)  Page(s) 10.  
M. Fr. Meilland travaille sur une grande échelle et produit de beaux rosiers « Golden State » est jusqu'à présent sa grande obtention et il a de nombreux semis intéressants. La fixation de la couleur est le but de M. Meilland ; il fait de grands progrès.
Book  (1939)  
p30-3  Conrad O’Neale, Ohio.  Hunting Better Climbers.
When a “sunfast” hardy yellow climber is produced, in my opinion it will evolve through many crosses of existing yellow hardy climbers.  It took Pernet-Ducher thirty years to evolve a yellow Hybrid Tea from Persian Yellow, and Souvenir de Claudius Pernet was only the first step in a yellow of “fixed color”.  European hybridizers are coming closer to this with Alice Harding, Golden Sastago, Goldenes Mainz and Golden State.  When this “Dandelion-yellow” comes to the Hybrid Teas, then we can soon expect it to come to the hardy climbers.  This is in line with Mallerin’s theory of “fixed colours”.

p153-3  Prof. Earl J. Hamilton, North Carolina.  Roses in France, Italy and Switzerland in 1937-1938.  
While working in the municipal archives at Lyons, in October and November, 1938, I saw the establishments of Messieurs Meilland, Gaujard, and Chambard several times; and each was visited twice in June, 1938.  M. Francis Meilland is working on a large scale and is producing good material.  Golden State is his greatest find up to the present, but he has many interesting seedlings.  Fixity of color is his chief aim, and he is making real progress. 

p197-3   Proof of the Pudding......-

p250-1-5  List of Roses Patented in the United States.
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