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'Madame Jean Gaujard' rose References
Book  (1942)  Page(s) 83.  
Mr. S. J. Bisdee. Tasmanian Roses.
Mad. Jean Gaujard: The most exquisitely modelled and daintily coloured thing imaginable. Blooms are borne singly on strong stems and are perfectly held; every one comes a champion. Colour creamy-pink or, perhaps, pinky-cream, showing a little yellow as it opens. Good foliage, but growth only moderate so far. "A thing of beauty and a joy forever."
Book  (1941)  Page(s) 104.  
Mr. C. W. Heers.  1941 Review of Roses in Queensland.
Mad. Jean Gaujard.-This variety is quite promising and appears to be growing well at the nursery. There are reports of its contracting die back. Its future is assured if its growth turns out all right.
Book  (1940)  
p67.  R. Marion Hatton. New Roses in America.  
France sent us two which are interesting at least.  Jean Gaujard, like Mallerin last year, has named a Rose for his wife,
Mme Jean Gaujard, who, I am told, is the former Angele Pernet.  If this is true she has two namesakes, of which, so far, I prefer the first.  This one is a medium-sized bloom of 27 petals, pale flesh inside with carmine-pink on the outside.  It has the typical Pernetiana scent, which is not my idea of fragrance.  Growth was quite tall and the foliage fair for a Pernetiana. 

p90.  John Poulsen, South Island Roses
Made. Jean Gaujard.  Good growth and foliage.  Has produced some extra fine blooms of the best show formation, which last well.  It seems a promising variety.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 67.  
R. Marion Hatton.  New Roses in America
Jean Gaujard, like Mallerin last year, has named a Rose for his wife, Mme. Jean Gaujard, who, I am told, is the former Angele Pernet. she has two namesakes, of which, so far, I prefer the first. If this is true This one is a medium-sized bloom of 27 petals, pale flesh inside with carmine-pink on the outside. It has the typical Pernetiana scent, which is not my idea of fragrance. Growth was quite tall and the foliage fair for a Pernetiana.
Book  (1939)  
p21.  Harry H. Hazlewood.  The New Roses of 1939. 
From the same raiser is Madame Jules Gaujard (nee Angele Pernet) which might just as readily be classed in the fancy section. When opening, the yellow and orange are prominent, but a fully developed bloom gives a general impression of old gold. The shape is good and growth appears vigorous and healthy. The good lady after whom this Rose is named enjoys the proud distinction of having two outstanding Roses named in her honour.

p103.  Mr Allen A. Brundrett.  A Review of the New Roses in Victoria.
Of this season's importations there is not the slightest doubt that Madame Jean Gaujard is the very best, and an excellent variety that will continue to hold favour. The colour is orange yellow with a deep salmon reverse, and practically each bloom seen has been of perfect exhibition form. The blooms, which are built of numerous wide deep petals and open slowly, are borne very erect on strong vigorous growth, which is hardy. It will be much in demand by those who dislike loose Roses, and it it good for general purposes, not merely for exhibition. It's the sort of Rose we dream about. (It was awarded a Gold Medal at Grenoble.)
Website/Catalog  (1939)  Page(s) 24.  
Madame Jean Gaujard (Jean Gaujard), 1937. Fleur idéale, centre orange, extérieur des pétales jaune clair. Bouton grand et allongé, s'ouvrant bien.
Website/Catalog  (1939)  Page(s) 39.  
New Roses 1939. Madame Jean Gaujard (HT.  J. Gaujard 1937) An outstanding variety, with golden yellow petals having a deep salmon pink reverse. The blooms are of ideal form and are carried on long, firm stems, while they hold their colour until quite old. 5/- each.
A good variety with many thorns.
Magazine  (Nov 1938)  Page(s) 170.  
La Commission de visite des Roses s’est réunie le 23 juin dernier, à la grande roseraie lyonnaise de M. Jean Gaujard, à Feyzin....   Nous continuons par une longue promenade dans les cultures de grande multiplication.... Mme Jean Gaujard (certificat de mérite au concours de la plus belle rose de France 1938) ; Roi Alexandre Ier , Lise Palais, Boléro, Rose d’Amour, Ninon Vallin, Jean Cote, Mme Jean Croibier, Kidway, Brasier, Mme Joseph Perraud et une quantité d’autres variétés greffées par milliers...
Magazine  (Jul 1938)  Page(s) 83.  
Le 9 Juin, au Parc de la Tête-d’Or, a eu lieu le concours de la plus belle rose de France. ...
Certificats de mérite aux variétés : Louis-Pajotin, de M. Mallerin ; Madame-Jeanne-Gaujard, à M. J. Gaujard ; Monsieur-Lucien-Perrier, de M. J. Gaujard ; Guinée, de M. Mallerin.
Newsletter  (9 Jun 1938)  
Certificats de mérite : N° 12- (610 P.) Madame Jean Gaujard (70 points). Obtenteur : Jean Gaujard, à Feyzin (Isère).
Rosier hybride de Pernetiana issu de deux semis posthumes de M. Pernet-Ducher, est une variété de premier ordre appelée au plus grand avenir. Elle est très vigoureuse et donne un très grand nombre de fleurs très grandes et toujours solitaires. Le bouton est grand, allongé, de forme parfaite, s’ouvrant bien. Fleur ouverte idéale et restant épanouie très longtemps sans perdre sa couleur. La teinte et la forme de la fleur rappellent un Golden Ophélia se rapprochant de Madame Joseph Perraud. Le centre est orange, l’extérieur des pétales jaune clair. La fleur est aussi grande que celle de Madame Joseph Perraud. Son feuillage est plus mât et ne craint pas l’oïdium. (Médaille d’Or à Grenoble en 1935)
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