'Snow Twinkle ™' rose Description
Photo courtesy of chilloutroses
HMF Ratings:
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White, near white or white blend Miniature. Registration name: MORsnoExhibition name: Snow Twinkle ™
White or white blend. Mild fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) . Can be grown in the ground or in a container (container requires winter protection).
Breeder's notes:
Per "official Sequoia documentation" the seed parent of this rose is Mr. Moore's 1-72-1. The listing here is not in error, it just lists the cross instead of the specific rose. Kim Rupert
New Zealand - Patent No: 899 on 8 Nov 1994 Application No: 899 on 11 Dec 1992 United States - Patent No: PP 6,822 on 30 May 1989 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication on 25 Jan 1988
According to the New Zealand Plant Variety Rights (PVR) web page, application for a PVR Grant for this rose was made October 12, 1992 and granted August 11, 1994 (PVR Grant No. 899). The breeder's Reference for this rose is Morsno. The New Zealand Trade Name is 'Snow Twinkle'. This PVR Grant expires August 11, 2017. Snow Twinkle was removed from the Auckland Regional Botanic Gardens (ARBG) Display Trial because its trial period expired.