Australia - Patent No: AU4539P on 16 May 2013
Application No: 2011/031 on 21 Jun 2011
VIEW PBR PATENTSpontaneous mutation: ‘Noasplash’ was a spontaneous mutation from the rose variety ‘Noamel’ that was discovered by Sean Arkinstall at his nursery in Gisborne, VIC in Feb 2006. Cuttings were taken from the mutation to establish a trial. Further cuttings were taken later in 2006 to determine stability. In 2008 cuttings were taken from this trial to establish the commercial viability of the new variety by Flower Carpet Pty Ltd in a trial at Silvan, VIC. All subsequent generations have proven to be stable from the original parent.
New Zealand - Patent No: 31067 on 22 Jul 2014
Application No: ROS994 on 25 Jun 2012
United States - Patent No: PP 24,359 on 1 Apr 2014
VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 13/385,095 on 31 Jan 2012
Inventors: Arkinstall; Sean (Gisborne, AU)
Assignee: Noack; Reinhard (DE)
The new cultivar is the result of a chance discovery in a commercial nursery in Gisborne, Victoria, Australia. The inventor, Sean Arkinstall, a citizen, of Australia, discovered the new variety as a single whole plant mutation of the parent variety, Rosa hybrid ‘Flower Carpet Appleblossom’, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 10,239. The discovery was made February 2006.