Canada - Application No: 13-7880 on 4 Feb 2013
Application withdrawn on January 13, 2016.
European Union - Patent No: EU34944 on 22 Apr 2013
Application No: 2011/1405 on 2011
United States - Patent No: PP 24,830 on 2 Sep 2014
VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 13/507,024 on 31 May 2012
Inventors: Olesen; Mogens Nyegaard (Fredensborg, DK)
The present invention constitutes a new and distinct variety of garden rose plant which originated from a controlled crossing between the female seed parent, an unnamed seedling, and the male pollen parent, also an unnamed seedling.
The two parents were crossed during the summer of 2003 and the resulting seeds were planted in a controlled environment in Fredensborg, Denmark. The new variety, named ‘Poulcas038’, originated as a single seedling from the stated cross.