'Blessing 18S03' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Joseph Baiocchi
Breeder's notes:
Reference ID #C8: This plant grew well in it's 5-gal pot with minimal assistance or attention. It also had sufficient floral or foliage interest to require additional study. It was given a study name and planted out in the fall of 2019. Additional details and photos will be added during the 2020 growing season. All seedlings from 2018 were from hips collected from my garden without respected to variety. While all crosses were explicit - mixed pollen was used. In effect, these crosses are unknown X unknown
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Culled spring 2022. Lack of vigor. "Blessing" is a study name for this seedling. All seedlings from the 2018 breeding season are given a study name based on a Texas town/city starting with the letter 'B'.