I am considering purchasing this rose, but live in the hot inland valley of CA, and am wondering if it turns solid red in hot temps. I have Priscilla Burton--very pretty, but I rarely see the "hand painting" except in early spring and occasionally in fall if we have cool weather. We also have more blackspot than mildew problems here...any blackspot in your area? Thank you for any information you can supply.
Yes, you're going to find "painted roses" generally deepen to more solid, saturated coloring in higher heat and sun. Think of their pigmentation as sort of "sun tanning" or "sun burning". The hotter and brighter it is, the deeper, more solid their coloring. Though I have not grown the rose, based upon its parentage, I would expect black spot to be an issue where that disease pressure is high. Both parents are known to be rather susceptible to the disease. The breeder did claim Tootsie is mildew resistant. I'm sure if it had also been found to resist black spot, that would have been also stated.
#2 of 4 posted
29 JAN 13 by
Thanks, Kim. Angel Face is not heavily hit by blackspot in my garden, surprisingly! Thanks for the info...I guess I don't really need another solid red rose at this point... --Sally
Good for you! When and where it is well suited and with a good plant of it, Angel Face can be spectacular. I'm glad it does well for you there. I fear Tootsie will usually be "another red rose" for you in your heat. I can't think of a white turning red rose which wouldn't. You might enjoy Modern Art, Camara or Coup de Foudre. All are saturated orange which "blacken" with heat and brilliant sun. They become quite dramatic! Orangeade does that to a point, but its "blushing" is more of a purple tone which makes it appear more russet around the edges. Show'n Tell is an orange/white bicolor which develops the purple blush over the petal surfaces in heat and sun, too. At least these don't simply turn one color, but retain the painted appearance. If you like oranges, one or more of these might intrigue you.
#4 of 4 posted
29 JAN 13 by
Thanks so much, Kim--I will look into some of these. I had not heard of most of them and haven't seen any roses that "blacken" in hot sun. It would be really fun to have one...I love the unusual, as you know!