PhotoComments & Questions 
Persian Light  rose photo courtesy of member Calif Sue
Discussion id : 56-343
most recent 28 JUL 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JUL 11 by Kim Rupert
Thank you for posting photos of Mr. Moore's Hulthemia crosses. I fear they're continued existence is rather tenuous and hope more grow them in their gardens to keep them around a while. He enjoyed them so much, it would be a crime for them to fall out of favor. Thanks! Kim
Reply #1 of 8 posted 27 JUL 11 by Calif Sue
I have a local friend here, Zuzu, who grows over 1500 roses and I believe she has almost all of the Moore's Persian series except Persian Princess, they are just delightful!
Reply #2 of 8 posted 27 JUL 11 by Kim Rupert
Good! I have many of them, but all it takes is one or two plants left and something to happen to one or both... Fortunately, Persian Princess isn't a Hulthemia, but a traditional miniature. I doubt it will disappear any time soon as it would appeal to many more 'traditional' growers. Kim
Reply #4 of 8 posted 28 JUL 11 by Calif Sue
Kim, it looks like you hit the 'incorrectly labeled or inaccurate' option to this image. Were you questioning it? If not, perhaps admin can clear it.

Reply #5 of 8 posted 28 JUL 11 by Kim Rupert
You must be right, Sue, sorry about that. I've searched to see if I can fix it, no luck. I'll email them about it for correction. Thank you! Kim
Reply #6 of 8 posted 28 JUL 11 by Kim Rupert
Hey Sue, Lyn taught me how to fix it, so it's done. Really easy, actually, once you know how. Kim
Reply #8 of 8 posted 28 JUL 11 by Calif Sue
Thanks Kim & Lyn! :-)
Reply #3 of 8 posted 28 JUL 11 by Don H
This is the first photo I've seen of Persian Light and I second Kim in saying thanks for posting it. It's interesting that mid-sagital line pigmentation shows up in this photo which I haven't seen in the other hulthemias. I wonder whether any of Jim Sproul's striped hulthemias derive from Persian Light.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 28 JUL 11 by RoseBlush

As a HMF premium-member you can go to the lineage reports and click on DESCENDANTS BY NAME to see the roses which Persian Light would be a parent rose. In this case, there were no descendants.

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