PhotoComments & Questions 
Violet's Pride  rose photo courtesy of member bluebuster77
Discussion id : 91-580
most recent 19 MAR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
What was your opinion of this one?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 19 MAR 16 by bluebuster77
Disease resistant, fragrant, interesting color combination, heat tolerant, short and bushy. Well form floribunda. I prefers to buy standard next year. Good landscape specimen
Reply #2 of 4 posted 19 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
From the photos and catalogs, the color looks dull to me. Is it better in person? I haven't seen a pretty mauve floribunda since Blueberry Hill came out. I don't mean the purples.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 19 MAR 16 by bluebuster77
Better in garden. But I do agree that some older varieties definitely beat newer one. I might say past hybrideizers are smart enough to bred quality roses that always fabulous in every garden. Speaking of mauve roses, I currently seeking sweetness rose, moon shadow is propagated from cuttings got from friend.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 19 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
It was sold out! Can you believe it? JP is selling out of roses already. I owned it the year it came out, but I had to leave it behind somewhere. Its actually really good. I got a new own-root Shocking Blue last year, to replace the one I also had to leave somewhere. Both really good "for mauves".
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