2nd year own-root L.D. Braithwait is VERY VIGOROUS and spreading wide at 3' x 3' in spring and twice taller in late fall. Cane hardy in zone 5a with zero winter kill. Now in June it's just as tall as Lavender Crush climber, but L.D. Braithwaite is much wider. Slight myrrh scent. Color is from bright red to gaudy pinkish red. Very stingy in partial shade.
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2nd year own-root L.D. Braithwait is VERY VIGOROUS and spreading wide at 3' x 3' in spring and twice taller in late fall. Cane hardy in zone 5a with zero winter kill. Now in June it's just as tall as Lavender Crush climber, but L.D. Braithwaite is much wider. Slight myrrh scent. Color is from bright red to gaudy pinkish red. Very stingy in partial shade.