PhotoComments & Questions 
Double Delight  rose photo courtesy of member Dave Bang
Discussion id : 20-490
most recent 24 JUL 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 JUL 07 by Donna Williamson
What a great photo, and I appreciate that no color enhancement has been made. My question has to do with the color. The description of this rose in says its color is a red blend--specifically red and white. Your picture clearly shows some light yellow. Is this accurate? I have a fragrant, mystery rose that looks very similar to your photo (with red edges and yellow-tinged center) and think it might be a Double Delight.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 JUL 07 by Unregistered Guest
Yes that color is completely accurate. I get so many differet variations in double delight. Some a touch of yellow in the center with just white all the way to the tips. Others no yellow in the center with large areas of magenta making up about three quarters of the bloom with a little white in the center. But mostly very pale yellow in the center branching out to white and then magenta at the outer edges. I think the temperature and time of the year makes a big difference in the color. The cooler temp brings out the magenta. French perfume is much like double delight in color with more yellow in the center, but I belive it to not be as fragrant and is considerd to be a fruity smell. I dont really know what the name of the smell is for double delight but double delight is very fragrant.
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