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The Heritage Roses Group (U.S.A.)
'The Heritage Roses Group (U.S.A.)'  photo
Photo courtesy of Jeri Jennings
Rose Other  

Listing last updated on Sun Mar 2025
1034 Taylor Avenue
Alameda, California 94501-2316
United States
The Heritage Roses Group, formed in 1975, is a national fellowship of those who care about Old Garden Roses and rare or endangered ones. We are dedicated to preservation, enjoyment, and knowledge of the Old Roses.

Activities And Programs
Heritage Roses Members receive a quarterly national newsletter, “The Rose Letter,” mailed in February, May, August, and November. Articles explore a wide spectrum of Old-Rose-Related information, including book reviews, growing tips, coming events.
Where sufficient members exist, local HRG chapters have been formed. Chapters work to share information and research, and to promote, and participate in, a range of preservation efforts. Some "sub-groups" also publish newsletters. Group Gatherings may include slide lectures, plant sales, and swaps, and visits to significant rose sites. Ask your Regional Coordinator to refer you to a nearby local group.
Membership Dues are currently $12.00/year, for four issues of “The Rose Letter.”
Dues for the Newsletter in digital format are $10. [Full Color, downloadable pdf format]
Dues are renewable on a quarterly basis, depending on when you join. Overseas memberships are served by First Class Air-mail and are $26.00 for the year, payable in U.S. funds.
Membership Dues should be sent to your Regional Coordinator. CHECKS SHOULD BE PAYABLE TO THE COORDINATOR. Dues payment for mailing outside the U.S. may be sent to any of the Coordinators.

North-East — Michele Ebaugh 107 Redwood Lane, State College, Pa, 16801
North-Central — Dr. Henry Najat, M.D. W. 6365 Wald Rd., Monroe, WI 53566
South-East — Rae Steiner 4997 Blackjack Rd., Franklin, KY 42134 270-598-7174
South-Central — Conrad Tips 1007 Highland Ave., Houston, TX 77009
North-West — Sue Hopkins 15005 - 132nd Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058 Ph: 425-227-9955
South-West — Kristina Osborn 818 Adams St., Albany, CA 94706

A sample newsletter may be obtained by sending $2.50 to the EDITOR, Jeri Jennings, at 22 Gypsy Lane, Camarillo, CA, 93010-1320.

General inquiries about the organization, especially for publication in magazines, should be directed to the SECRETARY, Bev Dobson, 916 Union Street #302, Alameda, CA 94501.
© 2025