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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Gardener's Monthly and Horticultural Advertiser
(Dec 1873)  Page(s) 372.  
New Roses. -- E. Verdier, the celebrated rose grower of Paris, sends us the following list and descriptions of the best new roses of the past year: Hybrid Perpetuals (Hybrids remontants.)
Madame Laison Lierval [sic] -- Tree vigorous with very strong light green erect shoots; very few elongated slightly reflexed brownish spines. Leaves light green with 5 to 7 leaflets deeply serrated. Flowers very large, very full and of fine form; color fine carmine with brilliant center. Calyx surrounded with very long sepals. A very free and continuous bloomer, seedling of Victor Verdier.
(1877)  Page(s) 96.  
A Strong Plant of the splendid New Yellow Tea Rose, PERLE DES JARDINS, presented FREE for every remittance. Our STOCK is so ... We are Strong on Florists' Roses named below and hundreds of others....See Varieties named and choose for yourself....Mad. Margottin - La Pactole - Hermosa - Lucullus - Marie Guillot - Brabant - Devoniensis - Chromatella (Tree) - Agrippina - Safrano, Jean d'arc - Boubon Queen - Aurora - Isabella Sprunt - Bon Silene - Mad Damazine - Mad'lle Rachel - Marie Sisley, Reine de Portugal, Malmaison, Emp. Russia. Regalis. Bougere. Mad. Falcot - Arch Duke Charles, Bella, Belle Fleur d'Artens - SouVr d'un Amie, Mad. Bravy - La France ...
(1880)  Page(s) 324.  
The following roses raised by me in 1864 were from seed of naturally fertilized flowers—viz., H.P.'s Annie Laxton from Jules Margottin; Marchioness of Exeter, probable also from the same parent....
(1864)  Page(s) 422.  
Maria Portemer is a neat dark rose, and very free ; the outer petals are apt to decay before the flower opens.
(1877)  Page(s) 96.  
A Strong Plant of the splendid New Yellow Tea Rose, PERLE DES JARDINS, presented FREE for every remittance. Our STOCK is so ... We are Strong on Florists' Roses named below and hundreds of others....See Varieties named and choose for yourself....Mad. Margottin - La Pactole - Hermosa - Lucullus - Marie Guillot - Brabant - Devoniensis - Chromatella (Tree) - Agrippina - Safrano, Jean d'arc - Boubon Queen - Aurora - Isabella Sprunt - Bon Silene - Mad Damazine - Mad'lle Rachel - Marie Sisley, Reine de Portugal, Malmaison, Emp. Russia. Regalis. Bougere. Mad. Falcot - Arch Duke Charles, Bella, Belle Fleur d'Artens - SouVr d'un Amie, Mad. Bravy - La France ...
(1873)  Page(s) 372.  
Miller Hayes
Tree (sic) vigorous with erect reddish shoots and few short brownish spines; leaves with 3 to 5 light green leaflets and red leafstalks; flowers large, full, and of fine cup-shape, generally solitary, sometimes 2 or 3 together; thick petals, color crimson with bright center and shaded dazzling velvety red. First rate variety; seedling of Charles Lefevre.
(1880)  Page(s) 324.  
... In 1869 I raised H.P.'s Mrs. Laxton, probably from Mme. Victor Verdier...
(Oct 1887)  Page(s) 298.  
Niphetos Rose.—The Journal des Roses says that the German name, Niphetos—snow—expressively indicates the soft, tender white of this rose. Wherever white roses are desired, it says, this variety always has the preference. It was first sent extensively into the trade in 1843 by Granger of Suisnes, who at that time recognized its great merits. Standish, of Bagshot, was the first English florist to give it a push in that country. As in the case of other roses, there have been times when it has been insisted on that it "is only some other well known kind."
At one time there was great argument that it was identical with Duchess Matilda. One of its great merits is that it suffers less from over moisture and cold than some others.
(Mar 1874)  Page(s) 69.  
The following are among the best, if not the very best, in cultivation:
Importations of 1871. H. P.
Paul Neron -- dark rose, very large flower.
(1873)  Page(s) 278.  
Tea Rose Perle de Lyon
It is described by our friend M. Sisley, as a vigorous grower, the young stems purplish, the leaves richly bronzed, the flower-buds elegantly conical, and the flowers cupped-globular, and of a most delicate pale yellow color shading to citron in the centre. Yellow roses are in high favor with English amateurs....
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