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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 JAN 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JAN 06 by Debby
This 1967 introduction from Tantau is a wonderful golden yellow/amber, with a strong fruity fragrance, great disease resistance, glossy foliage and a vigorous grower.
most recent 26 JAN 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 JAN 06 by christie
debby: where did you locate hybrid musk menja? size, growth habit, bloom frequency - any information would be appreciated. thanks in advance, christie
Reply #1 of 2 posted 24 JAN 06 by Debby

I bought Menja from Pickering in 2004. I actually gave it away this summer. It was still in a 5 gallon pot and was growing canes over 6 feet and lots of them, it looked like an octopus. It did have good rebloom and disease resistance. It was getting too big for where I had planned it and I really did not have another place it would fit.

Reply #2 of 2 posted 26 JAN 06 by christie
debby: many thanks for your response. was not familiar with pickering, visited their site - they in fact do have menja and in stock. i am placing an order albeit w/ some misgivings about grafted roses. so far i have stayed away from grafted in favor of own root; this will be my first experience. i have heard/read many differing opinions. i will now have to form my own.

i failed to mention how spectacular your roses are. not to mention the in site garden photos - lovely.

again, thanks - christie
most recent 21 JAN 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JAN 06 by Debby
This is a delightful Hybrid Musk in my garden. It is never without bloom, the petals have a wavy edge to them making them look like butterlies. They do fade in the sun, making it look like a multicolored mass of butterflies along the lines of a yellow/pink Mutabilis.
most recent 21 JAN 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JAN 06 by Debby
Cupid is a vigorous, once-blooming HT. It is extremely thorny and grows thick, arching canes to 20 feet every year. The blooms are 5 inches, like crinkled silk, a very pastel peachy pink, lighter at the edge of the petals, giving it an airbrushed look. It has a long and prolific, late spring bloom here in Southern California.
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