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'Aotearoa' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 98-226
most recent 9 SEP 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 MAR 17 by Give me caffeine
Updated information:

Typical Hybrid Tea. Defoliates to a bunch of sticks every so often. Great if you like that sort of thing.

Am going to persevere with it, for now, because it's so good when it's good.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 29 AUG 17 by kysusan
Mine is doing the same, sadly.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 29 AUG 17 by Give me caffeine
Oh yes? Under what conditions?

I'm not sure I've got my "care regime" right for this rose.
Where "care regime" is a euphemism for "doing bugger all and seeing if it survives".
Reply #3 of 6 posted 8 SEP 17 by Lavenderlace
Did you ever happen to notice what conditions make her defoliate? I need to get them in the ground but was holding out for the verdict before I put them in a prominent place! They can deal with my soil so at least I've tested them on that.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 8 SEP 17 by Give me caffeine
I'm not sure if it's me or the rose. I'm by no means an expert so you should probably take what I say with a grain of salt at this stage. I'll have a better idea once I've grown it for a couple more years.

On the other hand, if I don't complain about a rose I'm growing it's probably idiot-proof, at least in my climate and on my soil.

The first point is that this rose, along with most of them, went underwater when a cyclone came down the coast. It would only have been underwater for few hours (the heaviest rain was at night, so I don't know the exact period of submersion) but roses are not keen on growing in aquariums. Also, even though it wasn't submerged for long, the soil was absolutely sodden for a day or so before and several days after. The bush didn't defoliate at this stage, but the experience would probably not have done it any good. It may have contributed to the later defoliation, through effects on the bush and/or the soil. Quite a few of the others defoliated at about the same time.

The defoliation occurred later, in winter. I'm not sure why. Conditions weren't extreme in any way, as our winters are generally very mild.* It is possible that some of them just happened to go into dormancy and that is why they dropped leaves, but last winter (which was much the same) they had just been planted and were going like rockets.

Anyway all the bushes that had been sulking, including 'New Zealand' are now bouncing back very nicely for spring.

*IIRC the minimum temperature this year was 2 Celsius (about 36 Fahrenheit) and that was only for one night. Most nights it would have been several degrees higher.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 9 SEP 17 by Andrew from Dolton
I get this temperature during the summer!
Reply #6 of 6 posted 9 SEP 17 by Lavenderlace
Thanks so much for the info, appreciate it!
Discussion id : 105-412
most recent 8 SEP 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 SEP 17 by NorthWestRider
FYI to others members New Zealand has made it through two Inland North West winter will no protection one zone 5 winter an another closer to zone 6. In zone 5 it died back to inches off the ground in the zone 6 winter it was fine with little die back.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 SEP 17 by Lavenderlace
Thanks so much for posting this! I've been needing to get mine in the ground so that gives me confidence that she can surely handle a Z8 winter, even if there's an unusual cold front like last year.
Discussion id : 101-631
most recent 29 JUN 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUN 17 by Lavenderlace
These are doing very well in sandy soil in Z8 with afternoon shade.
Discussion id : 94-632
most recent 29 AUG 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 AUG 16 by Give me caffeine
Well, this isn't a rose that will curl up and die at the first sign of moisture. The blooms on mine came though the rain just fine.

Two photos are attached. The first shows the bloom that was beginning to open when the rain hit. At the time, it was about as developed as the bud in the background, at upper left.

The bud in the background was at the stage where the sepals had peeled back, but the petals hadn't started to unfurl.

Both then got walloped by a goodly dose of precipitation over the course of a couple of days. It doesn't seem to have bothered them. A couple of sunny days later, they're both looking good.

I expect I will eventually find out which conditions do cause balling for this rose, but it hasn't happened yet, and obviously Aotearoa will handle some rain without it being a total disaster. Which is nice to know. :)
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