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'Miss Kate Moulton' rose References
Magazine  (10 Feb 1906)  Page(s) 116, 129.  
p. 116: John Monson, of the Minneapolis Floral Co., is now very busy both in advertising and preparing his new rose, Kate Moulton, for the market this spring. It will, no doubt, be one of the most popular roses yet introduced, as its habits, both in attractiveness and commercial qualities are exceedingly good.

p. 129: [advertisement]
The Leading Pink Forcing Rose.
THIS is the most beautiful Pink Rose which has yet been placed on the market. It excels in all the points which characterize a good, practical rose. The petals are compact, and form a solid flower even when fully opened; the foliage is as strong and much prettier than that of the American Beauty. 
It is easily grown, and is a money maker at any price, for it never makes "blind" wood, every shoot being a bloomer. Unexcelled for shipping. It has been shipped from Minneapolis to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and to the Gulf of Mexico, with good results.
No rose grower can make a mistake in putting in a large supply of the Miss Kate Moulton, as it is without exception the best pink forcing rose yet disseminated, and it has come to stay.
St. Paul, Minn., January 4, 1905.
John Monson, Minneapolis. Minn. 
Deak Sir:— I write in conection with your New Rose Kate Moulton which I understand, you are about to place on the market this coming season. I have watched this rose with a great deal of interest durins the past three years and my belief in it strengihens the more I see of it containing so many good points as it does. The rose is destined to become one of the most desirable Pink Roses for general use on account of its robust habit's, color and keeping qualities On visiting your greenhouse I was struck with the number of first-class blooms to a plant. You cannot recommend it too highly. Those who know its qualifications. I feel will acknowledge it one of the leading, if not "leader" of all Pink Roses for Florists' use yet introduced. I sincerely hope you will reap the benetit of your introduction and I will certainly substantiate any claim you may make in regard to its vigorous habit, color and shipping qualities and a ready seller over the counter. L. L. MAY.

San Antonio, Texas, January 12 1906.
Minneapolis Floral Co., Minneapolis Minn,
Gentlemen:— The sample of vour new rose. Miss Kate Moulton, arrived in fine condition, and although it had been on the road three days, was kept by us several days longer. We are very much pleased with the Rose, and will make every effort to lay in a stock at a future date. Thanking you for your kindness in this matter, we are, Yours truly, GEO. C. BAKER & CO.

St, Paul, Minn., January 10, 1906.
Mb. John Mosson Minneapolis, Minn.
Dear Sir:— It is with pleasure that we can add a word to the many we have heard of the good qualities of this new Rose, Miss Kate Moulton. In the first place, we wish to thank you tor the favor of giving us the exclusive sale of the cut blooms in St. Paul which has added materially in getting for us the best trade in the city. Our regret is Ihat we haven't been able to secure more of it.
As to its qualities, willsay that our experience has been that it is a better keeper than aoy other pink rose we have ever handled, keeping its color better, and no matter how closely cut, will open perfectly. We have had very few opportunities of noting just how long it will hold its petals, but can say that we have never seen them drop ott the way other roses ot this class will. We have always soW them at from 50 to 75 per cent more than other pink roses and have seldom enough for the demand.The color and shape we consider ideal tor a Rose, the flower being so very large. It ought to be conceded to be the best pink Rose ever introduced. Your truly. HOLM & OLSON

Stock Will be Ready for Delivery April 1, all Sold Out for March 1. 
Book Orders Early, Limited Stock This Year.
In 100 lots from 2½-inch pots $ 30.00 ; 1000, lots from 2½-inch pots $ 200.00
In 500 lots from 2½-inch pots 125.00 ; In lots over 1,000 in 2½-inch pots $175.00 per 1000
Minneapolis Floral Co.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Magazine  (18 Nov 1905)  Page(s) 781.  
John Monson has named his new pink rose Miss Kate Moulton. A description will appear later.
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