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'Rose de Champagne pompon' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1810)  Page(s) 15.  
Collection de rosiers à fleurs doubles.
Rosa centifolia, var. plena, minor...Rosier cent feuilles var. gros pompon.
Book  (1808)  Page(s) 26.  
Rosa provincialis, var. De Meaux
var. Pompone.
Website/Catalog  (1808)  Page(s) 53.  
14  Champagnensis major .... 4 ggr [guteGroschen]
15  Champagnensis minor ...20 ggr 
Book  (1807)  Page(s) fasc. 7, tab. 52.  Includes photo(s).
ROSA nana, minor.
Small Dwarf, or Pompone Rose.

Specific Character. Rose with roundish seed-buds, small-flowered, flesh-coloured, and of a deep red in the centre. The leaflets are ovate, sharp-pointed, and small; downy beneath, with small sawed glandular margins. The stem and petioles are prickly : the prickles of the branches are scattered, and straight.

This elegant minor variety of the Dwarf Rose has been, and still continues to be, regarded as superior to most, equal to any, and surpassed by no one, of this enchanting genus at present known. It is an evident variety of the Rose de Meaux, an equally beautiful Rose, but whose flowers are larger, and deficient in the fine deep red eye; –the principal specific distinction, in the present plant, and which is thought to give it a decided superiority. But whether this distinction be a permanent character, is certainly at present a matter of doubt; for in several instances we have seen it lose this central distinction, and attain the full height of its original. Yet against this observation we are acquainted with two exceptions; one of them, a plant in the nursery of Mr. Shailer : the other, a plant in the nursery of Messrs. Loddige; neither of these plants having for years grown beyond a foot in height, nor have the proprietors ever been
able to propagate them. It is therefore not improbable, that upon comparing them with the present figure when in fine bloom, there may be found a sufficient distinction to enable us to subjoin another figure of it, under the title of minima, or smallest variety.
The drawing was made from a plant at the nursery of Messrs. Whitley and Brames, Old Brompton.
Book  (1805)  Page(s) Vol. 5, tab 50.  Includes photo(s).
Fig. 2. Das Dijon-Röschen. (Rosa Damascena Dijonensis.) Diese kleine allerliebste Miniaturröschen ist die lieblichste und zierlichste Blume, die man nur sehen kann. Sie führt ihren Namen von der Stadt Dijon in Frankreich, woher wir sie zuerst erhielten. Ihr kleiner noch keinen Fuss hoher Strauch, ihr zarter hellgrünes, fast dornenloses Holz, ihre kleinen drei- und fünflappigen Blätter, ihre noch keinen Zoll grosse blassrothe Blume, die im Aufblühen der Centifolie gleicht, Alles ist äusserst zierlich und elegant an ihr.
Sie gehört nach der Characteristik ihres länglichen Fruchtknoten, zu den Damascener Rosen.

Fig. 2. La petite Rose de Dijon. (Rosa Damascena Dijonensis.) Cette très-jolie petite Rose est la fleur la plus belle et la plus agréable, que l'on puisse voir. Elle porte le nom dela ville de Dijon en France, d'où nous l'avons reçue d'abord. Le petit rosier n'atteind pas la hauteur d'un pied, son bois est tendre, d'un vert clair et presque sans épines; ses petites feuilles à trois et cinq lobes, la fleur rouge-pâle, qui n'a pas un pouce de diamètre, et qui en éclosant ressemble à la rose à cent feuilles, tout ceci est très-élégant. D'après la Caractéristique des Roses, elle appartient aux Roses de Damas, à cause de la forme oblongue de son pistil.

Fig. 2. The Dijon Damason-Rose. (Rosa Damascena Dijonensis.) This Little charming Rose is one of the most elegant flowers. It is called Dijon-Rose from Dijon in France, from whence it was first introduced into Germany. The Little bush, is scarcely one foot high; the tender light green stalks habe but a few thorns; the leaves are three, and five-lobed, and the pink-coloured flower which has but an inch in diameter, resembles the centifolia. In short the whole flower is extremely neat and elegant. On account of its oval seed-bud it belongs to the class of the Domason-Rose.
Website/Catalog  (1805)  Page(s) 11.  
48 Rosa Champagnensis major. Grosse Champagner Rose ..6 Ggr [Gute Groschen]
Website/Catalog  (1804)  Page(s) 75.  
Die Champagner gleicht dieser [Burgunder], nur ist die Blume blassroth .... 8 groschen

The Champagne is similar to the above [Burgudica], however the bloom is pale red ... 8 groschen
Book  (1804)  Page(s) 278.  
Rosier de Provins. Rosa gallica....
γ. Rosa remensis. Hort. Paris.
Rosa (provincilais), foliis, floribusque duplò minoribus. Willd. Spec. Plant. vol. 2. pag. 1071. n°. 14. var.β.
Rosa provincialis, varietas. Curt. Mag. 407.
Vulgairement rose de Champagne.
Book  (1803)  Page(s) 476.  
rosier de Champagne ou de Meaux, Rosa Remensis Mus.; très-petit rosier qui a beacoup de rapports avec le précédent [Rosier de Bourgogne]. Sa fleur est plus grande, et d'un rouge vif foncé.
Website/Catalog  (1802)  Page(s) 113.  
1920. Rosa centifolia plena minor, Rosier à petites fleurs pourpres pleines, le Rosier de Champagne.
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