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'Princess Bonnie' rose References
Magazine  (1898)  Page(s) 14.  
Prinzess Bonnie (Thee), sehr leuchtend rote Gruppen-  und Topfrose.

Princess Bonnie (Tea), very bright red bedding and container rose.
Website/Catalog  (1897)  Page(s) 6.  
New Roses.
Princess Bonnie (T.S.). Rich crimson, in the way of W.F. Bennett, but deeper and more vivid in colour; large, semi-double, exceedingly fragrant, with long buds. 
Website/Catalog  (1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Princess Bonnie.
A grand new Rose, that is the result of a cross between Bon Silene and W. F. Bennett.  A tremendous bloomer, commencing to flower before the plant is three months old, and continuing through the entire season.  The flowers are large, with long, pointed buds, and are produced on long stiff stems.  The color is a rich, solid crimson, the inside being streaked with white.  The odor is a delicate, very delicious tea scent.  25 cents.
Magazine  (1896)  Page(s) 98.  
Princesse Bonnie. — Rose nouvelle. MM. Dingée et Connard ont obtenu tout récemment un hybride de thé provenant de Bon Silène X W.-F. Bennett et qu'ils ont désigné sous le nom de Princesse Bonnie. Ce rosier est paraît il d'une floraison très abondante et presque continuelle. Les fleurs sont portées par des pédoncules droits et fermes; elles sont grandes, assez pleines, d'un beau cramoisi foncé plus accentué encore que chez W.-F. Bennett. Le revers des pétales a la même couleur que celui du Général Jacqueminot, tandis que l'intérieur est légèrement panaché de blanc. Le parfum est pénétrant et doux quoique moins fort que celui des hybrides remontants.
Website/Catalog  (1895)  Page(s) Front cover.  Includes photo(s).
Two Superb New and Distinct Roses now offered for the first time. (See illustration, front cover page.)
Originated and for sale only by The Dingee & Conard Company.
By patient, persistent efforts in hybridizing we have been fortunate enough to originate two ideal Roses, which are fully described below and truthfully illustrated on the front cover page of this book. In habit and vigor of growth, profusion of bloom and in color and fragrance of flowers, "Princess Bonnie" and "Pink Soupert" are undeniably superb. For home cultivation they possess such qualities as will commend them at once. They will bloom the first and every year, and with slight protection during the Winter they can remain permanently in the open ground, where they will increase in beauty and vigor year after year. As absolutely new Roses, showing marked improvement over existing sorts, we ask that our customers give them a trial, which is an inexpensive matter. They will delight both the connoisseur and the novice alike.
New Pedigree Rose "Princess Bonnie."
Bon Silene x William Francis Bennett.
ITS PARENTAGE. - In ur list of almost five hundred Roses there are none more deserving than William Francis Bennett and Bon Silene. The latter, since 1839, the year of its introduction, has not been superseded by any newcomer of its class or color, certainly a distinction which bears ample testimony of its sterling qualities. The fact of the "Princess Bonnie" being the result of a cross between these two favorites, inheriting the fragrance and beauty of the Bennett flowers and the floriferousness and vigor of Bon Silene, is sufficient evidence of its superior excellence. It is indeed a royal Rose.
A CONTINUOUS BLOOMER. - "Princess Bonnie" is a stupendous bloomer. It commences blooming before the plant is three months old and continues throughout the entire year. Every shoot produces several flowers ; there is hardly a day when it is without buds and blooms. The flower are produced on strong, erect stems, and, with the description of color, strongly resemble William Francis Bennett. They are large, semi-double and in bud are not surpassed by any Rose we know. The buds are long, perfectly formed and retain their shape well after cutting.
ITS COLOR AND WONDERFUL FRAGRANCE. - In color it is a richsolid crimson, far deeper and more vivid than Bennett. The color of the outside petals is as brilliant as a “ Jack,’’ while the inner side of the centre ones is streaked with white, which at their base becomes more general. In the fragrance of its flowers it perhaps surpasses any Rose in existence; the fragrance is rich and subtle—we doubt if the genuine Attar of Roses is any sweeter. The odor is not as strong or pungent as that which characterizes the flowers of the Hybrid Perpetual Roses, but is rather a delicate, refined scent so peculiarly its own that if it did not produce but a single crop of flowers a year its fragrance would entitle it to a place among the Roses of distinction. A leading grower makes the statement that a sweet-scented red Rose for forcing purposes is needed. We think "Princess Bonnie" will fill the vacancy. We have had ample opportunity to test it for general purposes, and are confident that as a choice New Rose for the amateur grower it will rove exceedingly popular.
PRICE. - Strong pot-grown plants, ready for immediate blooming either in open ground or indoors, 50 cts. each ; 2 for 90 cts.; 4 for $ 1.60, pospaid by mail. 
SPECIAL OFFER. - We will send one strong pot-grown plant, ready for immediate blooming, of each of the splendid New Roses described above, "Princess Bonnie" and "Pink Soupert", postpaid by Mail for 90 c. Address
THE DINGEE & CONARD COMPANY, Rose Growers, West Grove, Pa.
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