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'Pourpre Sanguine' rose References
Book  (1842)  Page(s) 277.  
R. ind. cruenta Red. et Th. Ros. 1. 2. Blood-coloured Indian Rose. Larger in all parts. Stem and branches almost without prickles. Leaflets red underneath. Stipules almost entire. Blooms almost the size of the common Tea rose, purple-red, somewhat nodding; petals broad, somewhat concave.
Book  (1839)  Page(s) 185.  
Rosa semperflorens pleno, or sanguinea is a celebrated rose, the foliage small, and of a reddish appearance. The flower is well shaped, and of a blood colour; wood of a slender growth, requires some protection in winter, or it will die to the surface of the ground; delights in sandy soil. This rose is frequently called anemone-flowered, although in no respects similar to the character of an anemone-flower. The Otaheite rose is of the same colour, but very inferior.
Website/Catalog  (1838)  Page(s) 43.  
M.r Desprez, Cultivateur-Fleuriste à Yèbles, près Guygnes, département de Seine et Marne.
2205 Rosa Beng. cramoisie
Book  (1838)  Page(s) 373.  
Rosa Chinensis. Bengal Cramoisi Double. La Sanguine. Blood-red China Rose. Shrub, feeble, spreading. Branches, Leaves and Flowerstalks, very purple. Flowers, middle-sized, rather globular, very double, velvety; of a vivid purple-crimson, with concave petals, the base white. Styles, twenty to twenty-five.
Book  (1836)  Page(s) Sect. II, p. 71.  
Chinensis. Sanquinea alias Cruenta. Very beautiful, little fragrance. Described earlier in the Table as the X. variety of ever-blooming roses [shows Damascena perpetua (?)]. Single, or double. The single blooms sometimes lighter.
Book  (1836)  Page(s) 308.  
Rosa chinensis Jacq. Bengale Sanguin; la sanguine Laffay. Bengale pourpre double; Bengale cramoisi double; Prévost. Arbuste faible, étalé; rameaux, feuilles et pédoncules tr?s pourpres; fleurs moyennes, un peu globuleuses, très doubles, veloutées, d'un pourpre-cramoisi très vif, à pétales concaves, ayant l'onglet blanc; vingt à trente-cinq styles.
Book  (1834)  Page(s) 236.  
Chinenses DC. indica L. cruenta Red. l.c.1.p.128 et 2.p.38
Book  (1829)  Page(s) 200.  
Chinensis. Bengale Sanguin.- Bengale pourpre double. - Bengale cramoisi double. Ce joli rosier est naturellement faible, étalé; mais il peut s'élever beaucopu avec l'appui d'une muraille. Il a, plus que la plupart des autres variétés de cette espèce, les rameaux, les feuilles et les pédoncules pourpres. Ovaire ovoïde ou digitté. Fleur moyenne, presque globuleuse, très-multiple, veloutée, pourpre cramoisi très-vif. Pétales concaves, à onglet blanc. Styles 20 à 35.
Book  (1829)  Page(s) 163.  
Rose Sanguine. Blood-rose.
Book  (1828)  Page(s) 146.  
The Sanguinea is deep crimson, and flowers very profusely; by many it is confused with the Old Double Velvet, Otaheite, or Semperflorens Rose, from which it differs by the flowers being more double, and the foliage of a deeper red.
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