HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Articles (HMF Ezine)

Article (HMF Ezine) published Dec 2020.

Authored by

Paul Barden

A 2005 article from Paul's (excellent) website about his favorite remontant and non-remontant cultivars.

8 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published Jul 2002.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

In an effort to foster peace and global understanding, here's a guide to understanding what the same rose is called in different parts of the world.

6 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published Dec 2005.

Authored by

Wendy Christy

HelpMeFind is delighted to welcome Wendy to our Ezine. Visitors to our Q & A Forum are already familiar with Wendy and her expertise as she regularly addresses questions at all levels. Her premier article is an excellent tutorial of roses and a successful rose garden. We're certain to be pointing newbie's to this piece for years to come and we eagerly look forward to her next contribution.

36 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Article (HMF Ezine) published Feb 2008.

Authored by

HelpMeFind Editor

Read about and share your memories of Mel.

9 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published 1 Oct 2009.

Authored by

HelpMeFind Editor

This month's Ezine is a tribute to the world renown rose hybridizer Ralph Moore. He died of natural causes on Monday evening September 14th.  He was 102 and by all accounts lived a very full and rewarding life to the very end.

Enjoy the essays we have collected from a few of the many lives he touched. Please also feel free to contribute your memories, thoughts and photos too. You can do so using the Comments & Questions tab for this introduction.

Our thanks to Jim Delahanty for initiating and organizing this tribute.

I've never met Mr. Moore but I'm confident he would not mind my including an obscurely related topic here. Actually, I like to think he would be pleased.

It's pretty obvious these are difficult times for many businesses but keep in mind nurseries are a breed of their own. We can certainly do with one less sneaker store at the mall and we really do not need two of the same drug store chain within 5 miles. They can be replaced in a few months anyway.

Private nurseries on the other hand are labors of love often cultivated over years and years. The low profit margins make it extremely difficult to survive in down times and preclude the startup of new nurseries given the large financial and up front time commitments required.

Unless we support them, even when our budgets are tighter, we are all destined to end up growing the same two dozen roses the mega chain stores sell at a loss to entice us through their doors. Offering varied and unusual varieties is costly - support your favorite private nursery where you can before it's too late.

1 favorite vote.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published 1 Oct 2009.

Authored by

Clair G. Martin

10 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published 1 Oct 2009.

Authored by

Carolyn Supinger

11 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published Oct 1999.

Authored by

Florence Tessier

Florence Tessier recently made a trip to La Réunion Island, the birthplace of Bourbon roses. She has some comments and questions about what she saw there. If, after reading her story, you have any ideas or sugestions, please let her know.

1 favorite vote.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published May 2004.

Authored by

James Delahanty

2 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published May 2004.

Authored by

James Delahanty

9 favorite votes.  

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