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'Paul Ploton' rose References
Book  (2016)  Page(s) 207.  Includes photo(s).
Paul Ploton ....Pale pink buds open to flowers that are small, double and crimson with pale pink petal reverses.  They have white centers, an occasional white streak and, as they age, lighter petal edges.  The initially cupped blooms opens flat.  They are carried in large clusters.  The main bloom period is late and produces a few flowers after.  The plant will grow to at least 16 feet (5 meters). 
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 277.  
'Paul Ploton'. Rambler. Fair rebloom. Moderate fragrance. Habit: 3. Barbier, 1910. Provenance: San Jose Heritage Rose Garden. A Wichurana with a long-lasting display of rich, cerise pink flowers, semi-double, loose and informal, but so tightly packed in its clusters they appear to be large pompons. Rich apple-olive green foliage with a lustrous gloss. Blooms till early autumn.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 172.  Includes photo(s).
plate 105.  

p156. Screens were best covered by cultivars with dense and persistent or evergreen foliage: 'Alberic Barbier', 'Jersey Beauty', 'Jules Levacher', 'Paul Ploton', and 'Purity'. 

p172. 'Paul Ploton' [Barbier, 1910].  Rosa wichurana x 'Mme Norbert Levavasseur'.  The flowers are small (3.0 - 3.5 cm), and open out into full rosettes which are very double and flat. The colour is a rich, glowing crimson, sometimes with a hint of purple at the centre and, even when fading, always more crimson than pink (plate 105). The backs of the petals are pale pink – quite a contrast. They are borne in large open clusters, some ten to twenty-five in a spray, and start to flower in midseason.  The plant is a vigorous, once flowering, with fine dark foliage, rather puckered but untouched by mildew until late. 
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 318.  
Paul Ploton Wichurana. Barbier 1910. Parentage: Rosa wichuraiana x 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur'. The author cites information from different sources... Glowing carmine, double, rosette shaped... Deep pink...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 381, 569.  
p. 381: Kanten (hybrid wichurana) Barbier 1910; lilac-pink, cluster-flowered [This rose does not exist - Jäger seems to have misread "edges" (Kanten) in the description of Paul Ploton in "Rosen-Zeitung", 1932, p. 90, as a distinct rose]

p. 569: Ploton, Paul (hybrid wichurana) Barbier 1910; light amaranth to deep pink, medium size, well double, large clusters of 30, once-blooming, growth 8/10, climbing, 3 m. Sangerhausen
Book  (1934)  
Paul Ploton (Mult. ramb.): Flower glowing carmine, double, rosette shaped. Growth vigorous. Ar. Pil.
Magazine  (1932)  Page(s) 90.  
The darkest climbers, Wichuraiana, are the following: Diabolo 08, Dr. Huey, Paul Ploton exhibited by E. Egender in Kreuznach: edges [Kanten] lilac-pink (Barbier 10); Purpurtraum 29....
Book  (1930)  Page(s) 397.  
Paul Ploton. (Barbier 1910.) Hybrid Wichurana. Double, carmine-red inside, lilac-pink reverse, in clusters of 10 to 12. Vigorous shrub, blooms willingly.
Magazine  (Jun 1929)  Page(s) 67.  
Paul Plotton (Barbier, 1910), fleur pleine, double, amaranthe vif et cramoisi à l'épanouissement, Wich. X Mme Norbert Levan.
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 40.  
Paul Plotton.- Fl. amarante, extérieur rose lilacé.
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