These nurseries listed below both offer this rose and help support HelpMeFind through their sponosorship. Please support HelpMeFind by supporting our sponsors.. Click the link at the end of list to view all nurseries selling this rose.

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Investing in the present to preserve the past for the future.™ This statement is the philosophy behind the start of our nursery. We have a collection of 600 plus varieties and species. These include Old Garden Roses, Heritage Roses, Bermuda Roses, Earth-Kind® Roses, found roses and modern roses. We ship to all 50 states. Shipping is available year-round, with the exception of the Christmas/New Year holidays. All plant are propagated on their own roots and shipped in band pots and gallon containers, when available.
We are open by appointment. Please call or email to make arrangements.
Rose (retail and mail order) Nursery. 388 plants listed. 1 photo. USDA zone 8b.
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