HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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How can you help

We appeal to each of you to help HelpMeFind grow by contibuting your insights, observations, or suggestions.  All listings include a section where you can upload your photos or post your comments or questions.  Comments like "this is my favorite rose, I particularly enjoy its fragrance", "I find this rose prone to black spot", or "blooms all summer" are very informative.

We greatly need, and appreciate, experts contributing to our discussions - if you have the expertise and the time, please help us answer the questions of other site guests.

Also, please consider listing your garden on HMF.  Garden listings allow others to search for gardens in their area or similar climates to see what other people are growing and what works and what doesn\'t.  A garden listing allows you to identify the roses you are growing, upload photos of your garden, review the questions or comments from others about your garden or post your own, list any events you have planned (i.e. garden tour, open house), and keep a running journal of your progress including problems, solutions, etc.

The LINKS tab lists links to interesting and useful web sites but we know it is hardly complete and new sites are added to the internet everyday. If you have a rating site not listed, please tell us about it using the links submission form. The same is true for the TIPS tab. This tab is intended to collect those useful suggestions, ideas, and techniques we learn about and think "what a great solution!".

Another area where we can always use help is our online magazine. The monthly Ezine is for articles, old and new, about most any aspect of roses. If you have written articles in the past or are contemplating one, please consider submitting it to HelpMefind for publication. While we do maintain a standard for submissions, we are interested in varied material from people of varying levels of expertise. Please do not be intimidated by the caliber of submissions from some of the rose communities leading authorities. We always give full credit so it is a great way to gain exposure while you share with the rose community.

And last but certainly not least, if you have the time and inclination we can always use volunteers to help maintain the site.  Please contact us if you are interested.

© 2025