Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 293. Includes photo(s).
Moulin Rouge Cluster-flowered. Meilland 1952. Description... a prolific bearer of smallish, brilliant red flowers in large clusters. [Macoboy says that] In 1958, Bob Linquist in California introduced 'Elsinore', from 'Floradora' x 'Pinocchio'. [The] two raisers, each in different countries, using different parents, had created identical roses. These days they are all labelled 'Moulin Rouge'. Parentage: 'Alain' x 'Orange Triumph'
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 391.
Moulin Rouge® Floribunda, medium red, 1952, ('San souci'); 'Alain' x 'Orange Triumph'; Meilland, F. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 238. Includes photo(s).
Moulin Rouge ('Sans Souci') Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: 'Alain' x 'Orange Triumph'. France 1952. Description and cultivation... Large fragrant clusters of semi-double, prettily formed, scarlet blooms...
Book (1993) Page(s) 293. Includes photo(s).
'Moulin Rouge' Cluster-flowered. Raised by Meilland and introduced to much praise in 1952. 'Moulin Rouge' is a prolific bearer of smallish, brilliant red flowers in large clusters. the foliage is olive-green and glossy. In 1958, Bob Linquist in California introduced 'Elsinore', from 'Floradora' x 'Pinocchio' which is a prolific beatrer of smallish, brilliant red flowers in large clusters. The million to one chance had happened! Two raisers, each in different countries, using different parents, had created identical roses. These days they are all labelled 'Moulin Rouge' , but if you buy a plant in America it just might be 'Elsinore'. 'Alain' x 'Orange Triumph'. Repeat flowering.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 18.
Moulin Rouge ® Fla Meilland 1952. Fleurs rouge groseille, doubles et de longue durée. Végétation assez haute, très résistante à l'altitude.
Book (1974) Page(s) 51.
David Ruston, South Australia. Roses of Distinction.
In the red and orange-red class I do not think any [floribundas] can really be identified at a distance except perhaps 'Moulin Rouge' because of its rather small florets in very large heads.
Website/Catalog (1963) Page(s) 2.
'Morocco'...blooms are a little larger than Moulin Rouge
Book (1962) Page(s) 19.
Dr. A. S. Thomas:
.....we want no more instances of similarity like 'Moulin Rouge' and 'Elsinore'.
Website/Catalog (1962) Page(s) 25.
MOULIN ROUGE, Fla 513 (Meilland 1952). PRO[tégée] .... Floraison continuelle rouge brique velouté éclairé de géranium très vif. Végétation régulière de hauteur moyenne. FL [feuillage luisant].
Médaille d'Or S.N.H.F. Paris 1952. Médaille d'Or Genève 1952. The President International Trophy. Médaille d'Or N.R.S. Londres 1952. Certificat Société Royale Néerlandaise Aalsmeer 1952. Premier Certificat Rome 1952. Premier Certificat Lyon 1952. Certificat S.L.H. 1952.
Book (1962) Page(s) 66-67. Includes photo(s).
Moulin Rouge (polyantha, Meilland 1952) - A vigorous, sixty to eighty centimeter tall rose with lasting blooms. Her bright currrant-red blooms are in beautiful corymbs and shaded with geranium-red. An enticing sort.