'Swantje' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 589. Swantje Floribunda, white, 1936, 'Joanna Tantau' x ('Prof. Gnau' x 'Joanna Hill'); Tantau. Description.
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 123. Swantje. This Polyantha rose was recognized as the best novelty 1936 and received the Honorary Award of the town of Sangerhausen. The blooms in large clusters are very large for its class, very full, white with yellowish (1,5/2 ia) reflexes. They exhale a wild rose fragrance. The leathery foliage is disease-free. ....Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] 1.- 10 pieces RM 9.-
Book (1938) Page(s) 18. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1938. The Polyantha section is represented by Swantje (Tantau 1936). A double white. An acquisition.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 46. Polyantha and their Hybrids (Dwarf Bedding Types) No pruning necessary except to remove the past season's flower stems. Swantje... The flower is very large and double. White with a yellowish glimmer, and has the fragrance of a wild Rose. An erect grower. The foliage is leathern, completely free from disease. It blooms in great umbels. Introduced 1937.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 41. New Roses 1938. Swantje (Poly. M. Tantau 1936) Very large double flower of white with a yellowish glimmer, and having the fragrance of a wild rose. Leathery foliage, free from disease. An erect growing 'Johanna Tantau'. The plant blooms in great umbels. 2/6 each. An acquisition to the Polyantha class.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 124. Swantje (Wilh. Kordes' Sons 1937). This white Polyantha rose was recognized as the best novelty 1936 and received the Honorary Award of the town of Sangerhausen. The blooms in large clusters are very large for its class, very full, white with yellowish reflexes. They exhale a wild rose fragrance. The leathery foliage is disease-free. ....Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] 1.20 10 pieces RM 11.-
Book (1938) Page(s) 165. Swantje Professor Gnau x Joanna Hill Tantau .
Magazine (May 1937) Page(s) 39. Roseraie Internationale d'Essai de l'Ecole de Cibeins. Plantation de 1936. Nous avons reçu cette année pour notre Roseraie d'Essai, 30 variétés de rosiers nains et 9 variétés de rosiers sarmenteux, se répartissant ainsi : ... Envoi de M. Tantau, Uetersen 20 Swantje. Hybride de Polyantha. Johanna Tantau X Professor Gnau X Joanna Hill.
Book (1937) Page(s) 18. M. Tantau zog von seiner Swantje ((Johanna Tantau x Professor Gnau) x Joanna Hill) 1936 eine Anzahl Sämlinge, die sämtlich gleich und gleich Swantje fielen, was wahrscheinlich macht, dass diese heterogen aufgebaute Edelrosensorte sich apomiktisch fortpflanzt.
Translation: M. Tantau derived anumber of seedlings from his Swantje ((Johanna Tantau x Professor Gnau) x Joanna Hill) in 1936 which were all the same and the same as Swantje, which makes it probable that this heterogenous Hybrid Tea reproduces apomictically.
Magazine (Dec 1936) Page(s) 146. Nouveautés 1936 ... M. TANTAU, à Uetersen. Hybride de polyantha. Swantje. - Plante très forte, jusqu'à 60 cent., inerme, très droite. Les fleurs apparaissent en grappe jusqu'à 15. Elles sont aussi grandes que celles de Johanna Tantau, mais d'un blanc pur. La fleur est bien pleine et s'ouvre bien, même par mauvais temps. Elle se conserve bien. Grâce à sa puissante végétation, ce rosier constitue un progrès sur J. Tantau. Certificat de mérite en 1936 et prix d'honneur de Sangerhausen. Issu de Pr. Gnau X de J. Hill.