Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 159. Emily Hybrid Tea, soft rose pink, 1949, 'Mme. Butterfly' x 'Mrs. Henry Bowles'; Baines. Description.
Book (1956) Page(s) 15. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Roses Since 1948. Emily. A pale pink show rose that is excellent when it does not ball.
Book (1955) p121. Dr. A. S. Thomas. Further Report on Newer Roses. Emily. HT (Baines, 1949). Very attractive large shapely pale pink blooms. Fairly strong in growth but rather thorny and the foliage is weak. 8form. 10size. 9beauty.
p125. T. G. Stewart. On The Newer Roses. Emily. Growth good. Not many petals but lasts well. A pale pink in colour and last Autumn I had some perfect exhibition blooms of the Fontanelle type. I have heard it said that it balls, but it did not do so during last Autumn.
Book (1951) Page(s) 13. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1951. Emily (Barnes, 1949). An extra large full fragrant bloom with an inner face of pale pink and a light salmon reverse. It can be very good but there were signs of balling in wet weather. ('Mme. Butterfly' x 'Mrs. H. Bowles').