'Gourmet Popcorn' rose Reviews & Comments
While classed with the miniatures, Gourmet Popcorn behaves more like a polyantha for me. Definitely a product of its sport parent's pedigree.
I moved it out of my miniature garden and into the polyantha garden and it matches their growth habit and flowering perfectly. It does not stand out as much and is given a lot more space to thrive.
If I were to give one difference between Gourmet Popcorn and the rest of the polyanthas (as a whole) is that the flowers are slightly smaller than what we usually see with polyanthas. It produces large clusters of blooms just like many of the (the earlier) polyanthas and produces a lot of open pollinated hips as well.
Add in decent cold hardiness and very good disease resistance and this makes a winner here in the Midwest.
Initial post
22 MAR 14 by
We bought several varieties of mini roses last summer (2013) and kept them in 2 gallon containers throughout the harsh winter - a number of days below freezing, unusual for our area (N. Alabama). They got regular water but no protection. As of March 2014, all three copies of Gourmet Popcorn did great and are leafing out beautifully, whereas some of the other mini varieties died or had so much frost damage I don't know if they'll recover (4 copies of Daddy's Little Girl were a complete loss). So I'm not sure Gourmet Popcorn needs a lot of frost protection! I just planted it in the ground in front of my front porch. Update Sept. 30, 2016: Gourmet Popcorn is still doing well despite not getting as much sun as it should. it is still a healthy plant but doesn't bloom as much as it I believe it would in a sunnier location.
Initial post
2 NOV 12 by
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Available from - Regan Nursery regannursery.com
Initial post
11 JUN 11 by
The blood line of sports are not correct. The sport should have the same pedigree as the original variety Popcorn, that is 50% of each parent, and not 25%. That's just due to the fact the sport is considered as a new generation, which it is not.
Thank you all for the great job you are doing here for our pleasure and interest. Kindly
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. An interesting point.