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'WEKvossutono' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 169-036
most recent 16 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 NOV by BrianCreeksEnd
When I click on Patent information I get this error.

message "Too many requests"
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 NOV by HMF Admin
This happens when internet bots scan HelpMeFind and overwhelm it. It usually only lasts a few minutes.

This is a tough one to solve as many bots do not respect standard website indexing/scanning rules and follow EVERY link on HMF. We continue to work on a solution.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 16 NOV by BrianCreeksEnd
Thank you for the update.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 15 NOV by jedmar
It is also the USPTO that has created hurdles.
Go directly on your browser to "Patent Public Search". Click "Basic Search". Type the number as PP18473.

If you get a message like try later, just open simultaneously a second browser window with Patent Public Search. That usually works.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 16 NOV by BrianCreeksEnd
Thank You!. I have for several years tried to figure out how to do a patent search on that site.
Discussion id : 168-477
most recent 10 SEP HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 SEP by Nace
I bought this rose as it was suggested to be very disease resistant, but that was not the case in my no-spray garden in zone 7b, NJ USA. It has terrible blackspot resistance in my yard, and I just dug it up. It was very vigorous, bloomed frequently, had no trouble in the prolonged heat wave we had this summer. The blooms also smelled nice, and there was a good number of them at a time, but they faded and shattered within 1-2 days.
Discussion id : 107-112
most recent 15 SEP 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 DEC 17 by StefanDC
This rose had very poor black spot resistance without spray in my garden near Washington, DC. To its credit, it seemed content to photosynthesize with green stems alone, and persisted for several years that way until I couldn't stand to look at it anymore.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 15 SEP 22 by RoseForest
Same experience in Atlanta. It will be shovel pruned soon. Why the fuss over it, I have no idea.
Discussion id : 134-494
most recent 15 SEP 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 SEP 22 by RoseForest
I've had it for a few years as a much touted perfect rose (disease-resistant, prolific). None of that was true for me. Very disappointing. Loses leaves to BS, little bloom, shatters very fast. I want to replace it with South Africa,. If anyone else knows better, I would appreciate any recommendations.
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