'C. 'Lady Betty Balfour'' clematis Reviews & Comments
#1 of 0 posted
21 SEP 05 by
Unregistered Guest
I'm sorry but I identified the clematic incorrectly. It is a Ernest Markham not a Lady Bettty Balfour... the rest of the story is correct.
I purchased a Lady Betty Balfour this year, and planted it in the ground. The few blooms blossomed, and then I had to wait for it to re-group and bud out again. While away last week, friends came to stay at our home, and being kind mowed the grass and used the weed-eater. To my great alarm they cut this wonderful, full of new buds and new fresh green leaves clematic to the ground. All three stems were cut within 2 inches of the ground. What can I do? What can I expect? Please advise me what to do, if anything at this time or next spring. Thank you, Mattie
#1 of 0 posted
21 SEP 05 by
Unregistered Guest
I purchased a Lady Betty Balfour this year, and planted it in the ground. The few blooms blossomed, and then I had to wait for it to re-group and bud out again. While away last week, friends came to stay at our home, and being kind mowed the grass and used the weed-eater. To my great alarm they cut this wonderful, full of new buds and new fresh green leaves clematic to the ground. All three stems were cut within 2 inches of the ground. What can I do? What can I expect? This is a later bloomer which should be cut back in the spring, but not this short. Please advise me what to do. Thank you, Mattie Kirby