'C. virginiana Lour. synonym' clematis References
Website/Catalog (29 Jul 2010) Clematis virginiana Lour. (1790) = Clematis apiifolia DC., from Japan.
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 116. Includes photo(s).
Book (1965) Page(s) 442. 14. Clematis apiifolia DC. - Botanzuru. Slightly pubescent climber; stems rather thick below, woody, the shoots elongate, much branched, the inflorescence terminal; leaves petiolate, ternate, the leaflets nearly membranous, narrowly to broadly ovate, 4-8 cm. long, 2-5 cm. wide, acuminate, often 3-lobed, sparsely coarse-toothed, rounded to shallowly cordate at base; inflorescence pedunculate, 5-10 cm. long, rather many-flowered, cymose-paniculate; flowers white, 15-20 mm. across; sepals 4, broadly oblanceolate, spreading, short white-puberulent outside; stamens slightly shorter than the sepals, glabrous, the anthers linear, about 2 mm. long; achenes ovate, with spreading hairs, about 4 mm. long; style 1-1.2 cm. long. - Aug.-Sept. Thickets in lowlands and foothills; Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common. - Korea and China. Var. biternata Makino. C. brevicaudata sensu auct. Japon., non DC. Me-botanzuru, Ko-botanzuru. Leaves often partially twice ternate, the achenes often glabrous.
Book (1910) Page(s) 1. Clematis apiifolia DC. Botan-zuru.
Book (1906) Page(s) 55. Clematis Apiifolia (Celery-leaved Clematis). Japan. 10 feet. Dull white. August to September. Syns. C. japonica; C. virginiana. A strog climber, with ternately cleft leaves.
Magazine (Nov 1905) Page(s) 409. Clematis apiifolia. — Ressemble an Clematis Vitalba mais fleurit tardivement; très vigoureux.
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 174. Clematis. — Clématite. 10. Apiifolia. — Vigoureuse variété à feuilles de persil, à fleurs insignifiantes... 75
Magazine (Oct 1878) Page(s) 160. Arbustes d'Ornement en Espalier ...Clematis. — Toutes les espèces et variétés à grandes fleurs : Cl. lanuginosa, patens, Jakmanni, viticella venosa, Fortunei, bicolor, etc., trop connues pour que nous ayons à en faire l'éloge. Très rustiques, terre sablonneuse. Leur ajouter les Cl. glauca, orientalis, biternata, apiifolia, japonica, moins connues qu'elles ne méritent de l'être.
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 267. Clematis Apiifolia (S. Louis), à feuille de persil.
Book (1875) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 2. Clematis L. ... 4. Apiifolia DC. prod. I, p. 6. — Miq. Prol. 189. Hab. in fruticetis : Kiousiou , circa Nangasaki frequens (Thunb.) Nippon media, prope Yokoska (Savatier, n. 6.) Fl. Oct. Nov. Japonice. — Senno soo; Botantsou (Miquel.) Botan dzourou (Keiske). Icon. Jap. — Phonzo Zoufou, vol. 29, fol. 4 (icon rudis), sub : Botan dzourou.